Mock Ups


New member
Feb 5, 2010
Here is a site that I found today which seems to be free:

Thought I would share it here since this could probably help a lot of you trying to build your own projects.

Why Mock Ups are important!

One of the biggest problems I run into when trying to do big projects aside from the time, is that it's very hard for clients to explain what they want. Clients provide a general overview and tell you to put this here and that there, however when it comes down to it there are all these tiny details they wanted implemented and don't understand why they are not there (anyone that has built a project knows exactly what I'm talking about). In most cases such details were just never mentioned or the message was interpreted differently.

At least from my point of view, the ideal situation for BOTH the programmer and the client are building virtual wireframes or mockups. I find that the client while building these sees what he had in his mind and makes sure that everything he/she wanted is there. This provides me with something that I can work from and makes sure that everything the client wanted gets implemented. Also I personally like to know the big picture and understand what the project is all about so that not only can I build the features you want but ensure that the system is fairly simple to modify down the road.

Hope this helps!

seems like it could be neat but my god is that an overwhelming initial screen:

Check out Balsamiq, looks similar to the program you posted and its been just great for me
Good point SethH, here are some others as well:

Balsamiq Mockups | Balsamiq
MockFlow - Online Wireframe Tool

Last I checked these were pay versions or limit the functionality. Most people shy away though as soon as they learn they have pay something to be able to get their message accross.

If only clients understood that $50 will save them potentially $100's or in some cases $1000's

This one is also pretty nice and free. They also have a downloadable version.

Mockup Builder

Moqups seems to be the most "simple" of them all though. Probably best for guys that just want to get their point across.