Mobile website


New member
Jul 9, 2010
Does anybody have experience in building mobile website ? I'm looking where to start. Need to build for a local biz. Not only using wordpress but in general.

Should I only build mobile website or build a site with mobile version.

I'm also looking for something simple like this is there any wordpress plugin that I can customize it the way I want...regardless the way the site look like.

Edit : another ex :

BTW how is for mobile website ?

Thanks in advance :)

From what I've seen, WPTouch is a viable mobile plugin for Wordpress.

If you're building a website from scratch, do you want to support every phone out there or just modern smartphones? Most of your customers will probably access your website via Android or iOS.

From there, how much time do you have to invest? The quickest way would be to use a Wordpress plugin. Going the other way can be a challenge. The biggest advice I have for you is to keep your HTML simple and clean. Use basic CSS unless you're only targeting Android and iOS. serves up a mobile website with different HTML markup than their desktop version. They use an XHTML Mobile Profile to target a wide spectrum of phones. They detect your browser and redirect you to if you're using a phone. This is one way - create a completely separate mobile website from your desktop website.

You can also use the same HTML as your desktop version and provide a different experience by offering a mobile CSS stylesheet using media queries:

How To Build A Mobile Website - Smashing Magazine

Either way is fine. Depends on the site. For a very simple website targeting newer phones I would use the same markup and use media queries.

If you want a lightweight mobile website with minimal features, a website that loads hella fast, make a separate mobile website. I usually build separate mobile websites to control the markup.

If you want an app-like experience for newer phones, check out jQuery Mobile.
I dont know much about coding , but I am using elance and odesk as a source for getting coders for my projec. All you have to do is just launch the project with the required features and you will get proposal.
Hope this will help :)