Mobile Money App


Embroidery Solutions
What do you think about mobile app that is capable of scanning barcode(eg. apparel) and you purchasing them by logging into your bank account on the mobile phone/ipod just like you check your bank statement?

This app would generate receipt that you would present to cashier and it would print one out on their terminal.

This would be great in case you forget your cards at home, and it would be secure as you would log thorough bank website/pay pal.

I spoke to few people and everybody thinks its a amazing idea but everybody says its going to be impossible to make what do you guys think?

I have seen being attempted by companies about 7 years ago. It never took off and it was a Motorola project...

Will I say its impossible? No. I tend to dream big.

It would be really costly to do though. So if you are not planning on launching your own company with employees and multi million dollar backing then it will never happen.
Thanks for the respond guys

I agree unless you have millions its impossible to make this happen but I believe its very possible to make this happen. Sooner or later we are not going to have cards like viza and it will be replaced with somethings that is electronic. Just look at Canadian government getting rid of Social Insurance Cards to save money.

I hate valets and I just tough great idea never cary your valet with you.