Mobile CPA vs. Mobile CPL


New member
Jul 26, 2007

I'm looking to move more of my business to mobile.

Interested in what experience everyone here has running mobile? I've tested mostly CPL with some positive results but not a ton of volume. There are a couple high payout offers I've seen in the networks but with a credit card required they don't make sense to me.

Anyone have experience running credit card required offers on mobile? Do they ever work?

What about Cost per Call? Any legit deals out there or verticals to consider?

I'm in a program where I'm paid for phone calls if they last more than 2 minutes which I think is pretty fair as 2 minutes is enough to establish whether a caller is genuinly interested in the product or not.

The same program also pays per lead on mobile forms and thankfully the surfer does not have to fill in any credit card info. I also think that probably wouldn't work.