Moan My IP: No Fucking Way - Sexy Girls Moaning Your Weather!

The letter at the bottom of the page is priceless:


Hi! It's Jen, I just moaned the weather for you. Hope you enjoyed it, I know I did! I never thought I would be a professional moaner...I guess this is the result of childhood dreams of wanting to be a meteorologist? It's sort of crazy how things worked out, life is so unpredictable! Anyway, I'm taking a break from school for a while and have been living it up in Las Vegas. I love it here! It's always warm and sunny and you know what they say...scandalous women love hot weather :) Soon, my girlfriends will be joining me, so you'll never know who you'll get to hear! Variety, after all, is the spice of life. A little about me: I love dancing, drinking cosmos, cuddling, riding horses, shopping, and partying with my friends at clubs and lounges. My girlfriends and I will be checking in soon, but next time you're in Vegas, drop by to say hi, especially if you're hot or have something to teach me! ;)
wow that is the funniest thing I have seen in ages.. and all those other sites... moanmyos... moanmytime... I hope someone is making bank from all of this..
Wow I really like this site, ive already loaded up a list of proxies so I can hear the whole array of numbers
Ever see those CDs you can buy where they insert your first name into a song?

How about a site where you login, and choose from a list of pre-recorded first names, with the girl moaning your name for like 2 mins straight... I can see some guys buying that, grabbing headphones, and fapping away like mad.