Mightier's "Hey, Let's Fix Up That Shitty Site" Journal


Captain Time Pirate
Aug 18, 2010
Hey fellas,

So basically I have a shitty site that I created about a year ago and forgot about. It was in a pretty non-competitive niche and it was my first real effort in SEO. It made me about $600 last year, so I'm pretty proud of that. That being said, I've quickly learned that I suck at SEO and need to get better.

So, I'm revisiting the site and I'm going to try and grind it up to the #1 spot (highest rank used to be #3) for its main KW.

On Page SEO

The KW is full of other affiliates, so I know that it isn't going to be as easy as greener virgin pastures elsewhere, but I thought it would be fun to chronicle my attempts to move up and to create a little archive of things I tried that both worked and didn't work.

Main KW has 4,400 searches / month and SerpIQ rates it at 37 competition.

I'm #8 on that. Awesome, I know. So, using my own super-extensive SEO knowledge and using SerpIQ's ratings, I fixed up my on-page shit. I added <h3> tags with my KW in it, bolded my KW in the article, changed image descriptions to have my KW and, in general, rocked out with my cock out.

I also updated the template and changed my site structure around. Honestly, the old template I was using was complete and utter shit and I don't think it was shit in the "holy fuck let me get off this page and quickly buy whatever this asshole wants" way, more in the "fuck this, I'm out and never coming back" way.

The structural changes were done so that it would be easier to add more content in the future and so that the structure made more sense to Google. I basically added the category into the URL for each product so instead of being www.site.com/product-name-review it's now site.com/brand/product-name-review. I also moved my lengthier content about why you need one of these products, how to choose these products, etc to its own category.

Whether that was a good idea or not, I don't know. I 301ed every link I could and have been monitoring the 404 logs to see what is coming in.

Cool beans.

NOTE: None of these new changes are reflected in SerpIQ.

Off Page SEO

So, assuming that I've at least improved my on-page SEO, it's time to look at the off page stuff. Sufficed to say, my off-site SEO is worse than listening to an Ashley Simpson concert live. Right now, the site totals 55 backlinks in SerpIQ, most of which are no-follow. If I had any memory, I'd tell you how many backlinks it originally had, but I barely remember my own name these days.


Google Webmaster Tools: 3,238
SerpIQ: 55
Ahrefs: 43


#1 dude:

SerpIQ: 600 URL / 800 domain
Ahrefs: ~800.

Double fuck.

So, I did some digging through his backlink profile. About 90% of his links come from two other shitty sites he owns. The rest are a smattering of blog comments and stuff. SerpIQ rates him at 43.


I know my site is going to fall because of the URL changes. Like I said, I've 301ed all the pages I can, but between that and redesigning the site, I'm sure Google will let it dance for a while.

So my backlink profile sucks and I need to improve it. My main competitor does have significantly more backlinks than me, but 90% of them are from two websites, neither of which is really an authority site (PR 0). So, I'm thinking that using a high-PR article directory for 5-10 links a day over the next month will make a huge difference.

I was also going to pick up an .edu package on Fiverr and also do some work to improve my site's social standing. Obviously, I'm not going to do this all this week, but I was going to start with the articles.

Thoughts? I'll let you guys know how it's going every few days.

SEO isn't all about backlinks.

How "fresh" is your stuff vs your competitors?

If your competitor is diligently posting a new blog article every day (and you're not), then you are going to need more than a few backlinks to outrank him.

And this is coming from somebody who sells backlinks for a living :p

Thanks for the detailed information, it's always nice to read case studies. Good luck.
Blast it with private blog networks, Bookmarks and vary anchor text and you'll be number #1 within 2 weeks. SerpIQ of 37 shouldn't take to much of your time.

Yup, that's the plan.

After redesigning, the site fell off the map and reappeared in the 40s. It's been creeping back up slowly, but it's time to hit with something big.

Gonna go with a ~400 post blast and see what happens. Anchors will be variations on main KW. I think I can kill him because most of his links are shit quality (not that the remaining links on this site are that great either). The site's about a year and a half old at this point, so I think it can take the surge in links.
Does anybody know much about some of the social offerings (FB likes, etc) on WF? I guess it seems brutally unnatural to me for a site to go from 0 to 500 likes overnight. Any thoughts?
Does anybody know much about some of the social offerings (FB likes, etc) on WF? I guess it seems brutally unnatural to me for a site to go from 0 to 500 likes overnight. Any thoughts?

I've never seen a problem with taht. But you may play safe. Go for 50, then buy more. Then more. Then more.
Does anybody know much about some of the social offerings (FB likes, etc) on WF? I guess it seems brutally unnatural to me for a site to go from 0 to 500 likes overnight. Any thoughts?

Eh, sometimes people with blogs will have contests where you get an "entry" if you like their page, and other things like that (that's the only example I could think of). So it's not as unnatural as you might think.

I'd be more worried about the country of origin, but I'm also not sure how important that is either.
Eh, sometimes people with blogs will have contests where you get an "entry" if you like their page, and other things like that (that's the only example I could think of). So it's not as unnatural as you might think.

I'd be more worried about the country of origin, but I'm also not sure how important that is either.

Yeah, after I posted that I realized there are probably legit ways to get a whole bunch of likes. I've never played with social factors, but it seems like they're counting for more and more lately, so I was thinking that in a few weeks I could start adding them in slowly and seeing if that helps in rankings.
Granted it's only been two days, but my ALN blast didn't seem to do much.

Still hovering in the low 40s for primary KW, though it has moved up for a few secondaries.

I'm thinking right now that it's probably an anchor over-optimization problem. Best way to cure it? MOAR backlinks.... so, yeah, I'm going to be trying to diversify the crap out of it right now using a lot of generic BLs and see what happens.
Try to drip-feed the ALN stuff. We've seen much better results hitting our sites with 10 ALN submissions one day, then waiting a few days to maybe even a week and then repeating the process.
Try to drip-feed the ALN stuff. We've seen much better results hitting our sites with 10 ALN submissions one day, then waiting a few days to maybe even a week and then repeating the process.

Will do!

This site and another site of mine are going nuts in the rankings right now, bouncing up / down like 200 spots a time. Seems like a lot of people are struggling with that right now... what gives google?!
Okay guys, update time:

Site has bounced around a lot over the last week and a half, which is why I haven't posted an update. It has finally stabilized (I think), ranking #4 for its primary KW and #5 for the secondary. That's a huge improvement over where it was three weeks ago!

Right now it's getting some generic blog comments blasted at it every day, but I think I'm going to add some high PR blog comments to that and maybe work in some EDU links.

I definitely should have dripped the ALN stuff more, I think that would have helped it not bounce as much, but the blog comments I think have helped stabilize it in Google's eyes.
On a related note, I have a question for anyone who's game to answer:

I have another site that was on a nice ranking upswing (moving from unranked / top 250 into the 10 - 20 range for a few of its target KWs). On Feb 27, every KW I was tracking except the KW it is an EMD for completely disappeared. They reappeared on the 28th, but ranking ~30 - 50 slots lower than they were and haven't moved at all since then. For one closely related keyword (think "cloth lanyards" vs "plastic lanyards") my target page isn't ranking at all... a random tag page is.

So, google slap? But wouldn't that have affected all my KWs (still have that #1 ranking for the EMD KW)?