Microsoft - Yahoo Merger

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O_O the way money is being thrown left to right makes me want to start an search engine with and advertising program and wait for Microsoft or Google to come and buy it :)
O_O the way money is being thrown left to right makes me want to start an search engine with and advertising program and wait for Microsoft or Google to come and buy it :)

So what are you waiting for?

Oh yeah - the money and know-how to make it happen.

I'm thinking of reinventing a new and better internet where you can just log on mentally from anywhere in the world except at DWiz's house - no more Comcast, hot spots etc. Hopefully somebody will pay me for my idea and then figure out how to actually do it. I'm gonna be rich bitch!
So what are you waiting for?

Oh yeah - the money and know-how to make it happen.

I'm thinking of reinventing a new and better internet where you can just log on mentally from anywhere in the world except at DWiz's house - no more Comcast, hot spots etc. Hopefully somebody will pay me for my idea and then figure out how to actually do it. I'm gonna be rich bitch!


That is one of the best responses I've seen all week.
More competition = More Fun.
Do we really have to care whether google gets more competition?
Are we obliged to them in any way?
Just be happy that these guys will fight with each and try to beat each other to new innovations and in the end WE will really benefit ;)
I think both companies are better off separate but under a franchise. Google is becoming a threat, and Microsoft is just trying to keep up. I also believe yahoo is worth more since they own sites like flickr.


Yahosoft? lol
Microhoo? lol
All I can say, is that this is going to be interesting... MS seems to be doing all it can to stop google.... and visa versa.
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