Methods for starting new projects?


New member
Sep 9, 2011
What's your process for starting a new project? Do you write out an outline or a few points on paper, or use a mindmap, or some other method? I used to write out an outline of rather detailed steps but now I just write out certain points that I need to remember, especially if it's something new I've read about or heard, and the rest is kind of a 'play it by ear' method.

I always use Excel and type in everything important and that needs to be remembered. For those things that mustn't be forgotten, I put a reminder on Outlook.
I have a few different things I do.

First I do my keyword research, and I have an Excel template I use to categorize everything from main keywords, to categories, to longtails. I tend to silo my sites, so I build themes with the longtails under each category.

Next, I draw up a mindmap as a brainstorm session for planning site-specific tasks and linking. I love Xmind for this. It even has a spreadsheet format so you can plug in tabular data into part of your map.

Finally I pull up a Word template I made, plug in site specifics, and print it. It serves as a checklist for the general tasks for setting up and promoting a site. I check each item off as I do it. After that, things are a little less regimented, but this keeps me focused on getting the project "done".
That 'kickstarter' website is pretty cool. It just goes to show that there ARE people who are willing to support, even financially, the dreams of others. My little projects aren't anything like this but it is good to know that something like this is available.
The rest of you are using the computer to keep track of your necessary work, but for some reason, even though it seems like I'm on the computer ALL the time, I still seem to find it necessary to take pencil to paper. DanWesson, that mindmap software is a good tool, too!
Littlefeather, I write everything down on paper, too. Sometimes, I'll compare niches and make notes on everything from specific keyword research statistics to where I can see the site going a few years down the road.
1. I come up with an idea.
2. I come up with a name for that idea
3. I do reasearch on keywords using the google keyword tool
4. After I think of a name and find keywords I look for a domain.
5. I setup a nice page for it.
6. I put adsense on it.
7. I start building backlinks from article submissions, directory submissions, I use free search engine submitters, I create a facebook page for the idea.
8. I get reviews/suggestions for the site so I can come up with more ideas more easily to improve the site.

From their its just getting the name out there and seeing if the site becomes of use :)
Before you start working on any niche, just analyze all the top sites in your niche. Take pen and paper write all the important points which are going to help you in long run and start working on it step by step..The best point i would suggest you before start working select the best niche and once you start working don't stop it in between and divert yourself or better don't start. Never loose hope and keep on working in RIGHT way.
I still fall back to a notepad & pen to work out my ideas & keep myself focused. If I'm using online tools I tend to get going overboard like a train wreck & start looking at too many things at once. Pen & paper keep me focused & organized.
I use spreadsheets and mind maps to visualise stuff, but when I'm in formative stages I use pen and paper. I find that being cut off from research, feedback, etc. forces me to really open up my mind. Some ideas get a couple of lines; others get pages and pages. I've even "drawn" web pages on notebook paper, getting the layout and elements sorted out before I ever write out any code (not saying this is an efficient way to do things, but it is mentally stimulating.)
