Method/service to generate fake traffic to dilute conversion score?


New member
Sep 20, 2007
I have a traffic source which is apparently a little too good (converting much better than other affiliates, I suspect). I hide the source using a HTTPS redirect, but the network is quizzing me to explain where I get the traffic.

To help avoid this in the future, I want to hit the tracking URLs with a steady stream of fake traffic to attempt to not raise attention with a high conversion rate.

There are the usual traffic-buying/Fiverr style services, but none that I've seen that can be configured a bit more to send traffic in small quantities to a bunch of URLs ever day over the long-run.

Could have something developed to rotate through proxies at random intervals, but would be overkill if such services already exist.

Ideas? Happy to privately share my traffic source to the best response.

That's a bad idea and more likely to get you in trouble than just a high conversion rate. A high conversion rate can be achieved with good targeting and nothing shady.

However if they start seeing you sending proxy traffic and bot traffic (which is what this fake traffic would be most of the time) well they KNOW you are doing something odd at that point.

If an advertiser has any problem with a high conversion rate and will ban/not pay you for it they are much more likely to have a problem and ban/not pay you when they see a bunch of this type of traffic coming in. Most affiliate tracking software will put a big flag on your account for "proxy traffic" the moment you start sending it.
That's a bad idea and more likely to get you in trouble than just a high conversion rate. A high conversion rate can be achieved with good targeting and nothing shady.

However if they start seeing you sending proxy traffic and bot traffic (which is what this fake traffic would be most of the time) well they KNOW you are doing something odd at that point.

If an advertiser has any problem with a high conversion rate and will ban/not pay you for it they are much more likely to have a problem and ban/not pay you when they see a bunch of this type of traffic coming in. Most affiliate tracking software will put a big flag on your account for "proxy traffic" the moment you start sending it.

I would imagine he is worried about the network stealing his traffic source.

Why don't you just tell them that you do not share your traffic sources and express your reasoning.

Tell them you can send the traffic to a competitor if they do not like that.
projectwonderfull have some church retard as approval member and do not allow anything except games, daily deals and soft dating... also quality of sites fell off for past years
Microworkers/Turk or cheap PPC advertising seems like the best bets. It'll create a nice natural diversity in geo IPs/browser agent strings and user behavior patterns.
Just buy popunders? I don't see what the big deal is here?

Full page popunders without any targeting can be bought at 4-7$ per 1,000 for straight US? Most networks will let you use a dynamic URL on your server, so you can just add it into your rotation script?

Although, I prefer just telling the network to shove it. It's ironic, but I had a similar situation arise with a network I've done business with for a while, but I use them as a 'filler' network.

Then all of a sudden they get a balling gaming offer, so I start pumping some volume. My CVR goes above 25% and I'm bombarded with questions. Appears the 'norm' in this industry is 2-5%. Who the fuck is making a profit with a 5% CVR on a $3 CPA?

Told the network, they have two choices.

Put a lead cap and check with the advertiser that my retention is backing out and then I'll push some volume through.

Kick me off the offer and I'll go to XYZ network and run it through them. A simple search on offervault resulted in 4 other networks having the offer at the time, 3 of which I had accounts with. Amazingly enough, the questions stopped and they asked for more volume.
Had a nifty script made that sends real looking clickthroughs. Not full proof, but should do the job for now.
Just buy popunders? I don't see what the big deal is here?

Full page popunders without any targeting can be bought at 4-7$ per 1,000 for straight US? Most networks will let you use a dynamic URL on your server, so you can just add it into your rotation script?

Although, I prefer just telling the network to shove it. It's ironic, but I had a similar situation arise with a network I've done business with for a while, but I use them as a 'filler' network.

Then all of a sudden they get a balling gaming offer, so I start pumping some volume. My CVR goes above 25% and I'm bombarded with questions. Appears the 'norm' in this industry is 2-5%. Who the fuck is making a profit with a 5% CVR on a $3 CPA?

Told the network, they have two choices.

Put a lead cap and check with the advertiser that my retention is backing out and then I'll push some volume through.

Kick me off the offer and I'll go to XYZ network and run it through them. A simple search on offervault resulted in 4 other networks having the offer at the time, 3 of which I had accounts with. Amazingly enough, the questions stopped and they asked for more volume.
