[Method] How to earn $1000 on essay offers with Adwords


Earn $1000/day | ByOffers
Apr 29, 2016
Still monetizing your traffic on dating or goods offers? Looking for a new niche where you could easily get maximum profit with low costs? Read this post attentively! Here I will show how you can earn $1000 with Adwords traffic in the niche of academic writing.


Each month essay niche brings thousands of dollars to webmasters. Even though Adwords considers custom writing services as a grey niche, webmasters find methods to earn $1000 per week promoting essay offers with contextual advertising.

A good news is that there are not many webmasters who promote essay offers in Adwords, as most of them are driving traffic through doorway pages, or from social media. So you have a great chance to come into money very fast. What you should care about while working with Adwords is proper targeting and correct campaign settings. Proper targeting helped us recently to convert 5023 Adwords impressions into $1580 minus $550 as ads costs (301 clicks).

What you need is:

1. Adwords account.
I recommend to take an old account or at least an account where some campaigns were already running. Such accounts will have less attention from Adwords moderators.

2. Account at essay affiliate program
Search for essay affiliate program and sign up as an affiliate.

3. Domain and content.
Landing page must be attractive for a customer. Content can be either parsed in Google, or requested from the essay affiliate program you are working with. Do not forget about content cloaking: it is a good option too if tuned wisely.

4. List of keywords for essay niche approved by Adwords
It’s a crucial thing for a success. I can provide the list of all keys for essay niche tested and approved by Adwords.

Let’s start!

GEO. Top paying countries for academic help are US, UK, Canada, Australia, Saudi Arabia, Arab Emirates. I suggest to target cities with a large number of colleges, universities, and campuses. This information can be easily googled (for example for UK Page Not Found - The Complete University Guide) or requested from any essay affiliate program. Demographics is a key point to consider, tune it up carefully to avoid money wasting.

Keywords. This is the most important step as namely keys will be a defining point for moderator to approve or deny your Adwords campaigns. It is advisable to abandon high-frequency keys and to use rather mid-frequency and so-called ‘white’ words and phrases like ‘tutoring, editing, proofreading’ etc. List of such keywords can be compiled by yourself, or simply requested from the affiliate program you are working with. Or ask me - I will share J

CPC. From ourpractice: we run ad campaigns with different bids and finally defined that an average CPC is between 1.3-2 usd. If you manage to reach smaller bid – share your experience ;)

ADS. Text for ads can be requested from the affiliate program, plus you can search for samples of competitors, for example:


Important: always use unique content for your ads, it's 75% of success to be approved by Adwords.

As soon as you checked all the points described above – you are ready to launch your ad campaign. I suggest to start steadily – launch at first small campaign with a low budget to grow account loyalty, and then expand campaign step by step. We used to start with $50 daily, when campaign was approved we waited for 2 weeks and raised our daily budget to $150. In 1 month we came to net $1030 per week (including rebills from customers) + $550 spent on ads.


Campaign is launched and awaiting approval. Moderation process may take max 12 hours. Within 2 weeks it will be visible how to optimize campaign: what geo to exclude, where bids can be risen/lowered. Here is a screen of one of our Adwords campaigns:


Like the method? I will be glad to answer your questions if you are willing to earn cash in essay niche with Adwords.

Hey webmasters! Hot season with a huge demand for essay orders is in full swing. It's right time to prepare your Adwords accounts for essay campaigns running - you will see you money doubling in no time :cool-smiley-008: