<metal> Soundgarden Returns - song/video Metalocalyspe style </metal>


New member
Apr 7, 2009
I has epic chills.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K913KVe3kH8"]YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

Meh. Rush used to have animations like that on big screens in concert. I vote that their next video involves hot chicks, motor oil and post apocalyptic Mad Max racing.
I enjoyed the song too. It's the video that's lame for the return of an epic band. What's with that Mr. Roboto looking shit on the press play frame?

It's not really the return... its the release of a previously recorded but unreleased song, and their upcoming album is only a compilation album. Fark the video, the music is good! Better than all the pure drivel I hear on the radio
FUCK YEAH! I fucking love it....

First time I saw soundgarden was in 1994 when I was in 10th grade. What a fucking kickass concert that was!
