Met Bill Gates Last Week


What Would Hova Do?
Oct 14, 2011
I was in the airport VIP lounge en route to Seattle a couple of weeks ago. While in there, I noticed Bill Gates sitting comfortably in the corner, enjoying a drink discreetly by himself. I was meeting a very important client who was also flying to Seattle , but she was running a little bit late. Well, being a straightforward kind of guy, I approached the billionaire Microsoft chairman, introduced myself, and said, "Mr. Gates, I wonder if you would do me a big favor."


"I'm sitting right over there," pointing to my seat at the bar, and I'm waiting on a very important client. Would you be so kind when she arrives as to come walk by and just say, 'Hi, Ray,'?"

"Sure." he said politely.

I shook his hand and thanked him and went back to my seat. About ten minutes later, my client showed up.

We ordered a drink and started to talk business.

A couple of minutes later, I felt a tap on my shoulder. It was Bill Gates.

"Hi, Ray," he said.



What's funny is I knew this story wasn't true as soon as you implied your very important client was a woman.
Didn't Don Rickles tell this same story basically but with Frank Sinatra being in the place of Bill Gates?

[ame=]Frank Sinatra and Don Rickles Appear on "The Tonight Show Starring Johnny Carson"[/ame]

Funny shit
Firstly, he has security preventing this.

I've walked passed him and balmer when I worked for a contractor at ms. Had a couple awkward moments coming out of the bathroom and running into them and being like oh s, and running off to my shitty job. But we had to have background checks, and a photo pass to flash at the armed guns to get into the secured area. Had to sign a nda as well which I'm probably violating.
Firstly, he has security preventing this.

I've walked passed him and balmer when I worked for a contractor at ms. Had a couple awkward moments coming out of the bathroom and running into them and being like oh s, and running off to my shitty job. But we had to have background checks, and a photo pass to flash at the armed guns to get into the secured area. Had to sign a nda as well which I'm probably violating.

Pretty much every job worth a shit makes you sign an nda. I doubt you violated it by saying he has armed security and there are badges.