Message from an AM. Decode?


New member
Jun 15, 2010
Received this message from an AM. It took me at least 3 reads to understand some of the content:

"How are you going now?

This is XXXX.Haven't contacted you for so long.I notice that you made little money in these days.Why is that?i'm worry about this.Is it possible to ramp the volumes so that we can give you quicker payment?BTW,we can give you higher price if you can send us many high quality traffic.It's awesome,right?

Would you like to let me know how you have promoted them?The more i know you,the better i can help you.I'd like to give you the best convert ones or verticals.I really want to help you get the ball rolling ASAP.

Looking forward to your earliest reply."

Anyone else receive this same email?

LOL... Yup. Did you get the same message? I'm shocked with the level of grammar that this AM has. I'm assuming that she's an outsourced AM from China.
I'll translate.

"The more I know, the better I can help you"


"Tell me how you can make money, so I can steal your ideas and use them for myself. That way we can make an excuse to ban you from the network, and not pay you...and then just do it ourselves.

It's a win-win..see-see?"

Most Asian industry-related pic I could find
Ask them for orange chicken instead of a payout bump and demand that they do otherwise you leave the network (ofc you'll leave no matter what, that e-mail was pathetic). It's always fun to screw with outsourced people.
I've done my fair share of screwing with the AM. It has been fun but now I get emails like this.

Btw, my favorite line:

"It's awesome,right?"