Memory Requirement for Sitemap in Wordpress


New member
Feb 6, 2008
I have a blog with 3500+ posts. I was getting failures in building the XML-sitemap and track down the problem to not enough memory being set aside for php.

Raised the memory limit to 64 megs in the php.ini file and can now get the sitemap to build if I limit the posts count to 2000.

1. Would there be any problems in raising the mem limit to 128megs
2. How do people with 10000 posts or more get sitemaps built in Wordpress?

I used to get that shit all the time and I regularly had 10000+ posts. The problem is that the errors are so cryptic it's hard to really know why.

On my own machines, I've had it up to 256MB, but on shared boxes or even some VPS, if you are using php_ini_set() or the plugin settings page in WP it is not always going to override what's in php.ini. Same goes for script timeout/execution time limit.

Some things I did that sort of helped (sometimes):

- disabled sending to yahoo
- limited posts to ~7500 latest posts
- disabled anything that dealt with indexing the tags (this is what I think made the biggest difference)
- built sitemap in a background process
Yah, it's already set as a background process and no submission to yahoo. But it's good to know somebody else has this problem.
This is a minor money site, not one of the majors, so it's on shared hosting. I think I just gotta find the time (somewhere) to move it to a VPS, and then jam the memory up to 128 and limit posts
thx for tips