Medium Opens Signups To All

Ugh Im not sure why they opened it up. Gonna be overrun with indians in 3... 2....1


The platform was great when it just had high value assets posting.
The platform was great when it just had high value assets posting.

This was the first thing I read

How I Could Propose — Not That I’ve Thought About It or Anything

With a boom box; I think you want John Cusack outside your window, Peter Gabriel’s “In Your Eyes” playing loud enough for your neighbors to hear. True story — that wasn’t the song Cameron Crowe intended to play in that scene. The song was placeholder, until it was anything but.
At Niagara Falls, the American side, near the observation tower. We were there once, in the beginning, before we knew anything much was beginning. I took your picture that day. It’s still on my phone. Ask. Wait for an answer. May have to speak up; falling water is loud.
On our backs in the room with the blue whale at the American Museum of Natural History in New York. The oldest blue whale died when it was 110. Gestation is one year. Blue whales, when they mate, mate for life. Facts to lead in to the matter at hand. Wanna? We’d be famous in dozens of vacation photos pasted into photo albums and digitally preserved.

the fuk does that mean.
I wasn't sure what Medium was trying to become. Now that I see what it is, that was a pretty good idea for building a new community blogging platform in a market that was already saturated.
god i fucking hate medium. i hope it's spammed to oblivion. check out this twitter for some well needed satire:
(is is satire? i'm not great at english)

there's nothing technical about these startups anymore, it's all marketing. anybody could have setup medium, twitter or instagram, it's all about getting people using it.
Awesome, now I'll have yet another place to read all the navel-gazing drivel from self-important snowflakes (of all ages) about their "unique" experiences.

Exactly what the internet needed — because we didn't have one (or a million) of those sites already. ugh.

god i fucking hate medium. i hope it's spammed to oblivion. check out this twitter for some well needed satire:
(is is satire? i'm not great at english)

That is a great twitter feed and is most definitely satire. Their titles are pretty much spot on.
You guys should be thinking about this as an opportunity. Exploit the crap out of it. I'm already noticing "unique" things about the system that can be exploited.

Inb4 Outing
"omgz medium is so cliche and woopty doo fucking fuck everyone"

Build something within arms reach of Medium or GTFO fags.

there's nothing technical about these startups anymore, it's all marketing. anybody could have setup medium, twitter or instagram, it's all about getting people using it.


"Argh, I'm mad because I just realized how you brand and market your ideas is more important than the idea itself."

Yah, welcome to the fucking world, genius.

Next stop: puberty.
Gonna be overrun with indians in 3... 2....1


Funny, but that particular photo looks like it's actually from Bangladesh.

related video :

[ame=]Bangladesh Railways - Invisible Train - YouTube[/ame]
"omgz medium is so cliche and woopty doo fucking fuck everyone"

Build something within arms reach of Medium or GTFO fags.


brb while I install ....

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....jerking off wildly.....