MediaBreakaway FTL (Urgent: "Affilaite" & Performance "Markting" Purge)


New member
Jul 5, 2008
MediaBreakaway FTL (Urgent: "Affilaite" & Performance "Markting" Purge)

I don't know how i got on this retards email list, but the lulz were worth it.

Email (note i did not misspell the title):
Subject: Urgent: Affilaite & Performance Markting Purge

It is time to talk about something I have been looking at for a while now. The Affiliate / Performance marketing industry is about to go through a massive change that will result in major purges and consolidations in the industry. I had hoped to write this in a few weeks, in order to do some more research and wait to learn the fate of some other players, but with the EPIC announcement it felt like a better time. The online performance and affiliate marketing industry is about to go through what will be one of the most major changes ever, with many players disappearing, going bankrupt or merging. Please read this again, and then take what I say very seriously
Link: URGENT: Affiliate & Performance MarketingPurge - Articles - - Interactive Advertising Insight

I only noted 1 (maybe 2) decent points, but they have got to be fucking kidding with the post. Thoughts?

also that article was completely retarded. I'm not even going to go point by point, its too stupid to justify.
That post remembers me the end of 2007, when everybody was panic because of the recession on 2008. Then 2008 was a great year and 2009 even better at least for me.
The funniest thing (besides the fact that essentially the post is by is the last line of the email. OH NOESSS
PPC is the best direct response tool that's ever existed. If everything gets fucked up because of Nicky and Dullspace re-billing everyone to death, I'm going to be a very sad panda.

"Now is the time to examine all your relationships, make sure your partners are able to get through this tumultuous time. If you have any doubt about the company’s reliability, start asking for credit references, and bank references (make sure they have millions in their bank account for cash flow). This is not the time to work with newbies and startups, but the time to focus on working with real partners who have proven themselves."
What the hell is up with the header image on his site?


This guy sent out another email a while ago about how he had "taken over" as well. He cracks me up.
bwhahahah....gimme a break

I paid no attention once I saw the word ADbumb, and the fact that this fool thinks the whole industry leans back on the continuity space. I would guess the majority of people in this biz have never touched rebills, including myself, so he kind of backed himself into saying that's all he does and HE'S screwed, not everyone else.