Media Buys ROI: Direct to Site or LP?


New member
Mar 7, 2012
San Francisco
I just ran an Adwords campaign and got a site suspended for violating their bridge policy. I am working with them to try to save my entire account from being banned. The rep is pretty chill and appreciative of my work, but am still going to make future plans on the assumption I will be banned. I have started doing some media buys for a couple products and intend to rigorously test them to see how they convert. However, I wanted to get some feedback here on the best way to approach it.

The site that I am paying for advertising on is charging me $1.65 CPM. I read statistics that the average click through rate is about 0.1%, so I am essentially paying about $1.65 for each click. Obviously, this could be higher if the product is highly targeted etc., but I am going to assume that this is what should be expected.

Based on this information, I am thinking that it would think that it would be a waste to link to a landing page first. I would probably only get a fraction of my visitors to actually visit the merchant site, so it may be a total waste of money to send them to the landing page first. However, if the LP was able to presell them really well, then maybe the higher conversions for referred traffic could offset it. I feel it could also be worth while if the ad click through rate may be higher for a link to an intermediary site than an end merchant, but won't know if that is the case until I have the time to test it.

Is it possible to make a profit doing a media buy to an intermediary landing page or is the decay factor in traffic to the merchant site too high? I have currently just linked to the merchant site to test initial conversions, but may link to a landing page first next time if the product seems like it is converting well. However, if anyone has found that using a media buy to link to a landing page was a waste, then I would like to take that into consideration.

Using media buy, you should use a LP instead of direct to sites. The conversion rate will be higher if you have a good LP.
Anyway, just test for yourself and you will know which one is better.
Ya I would definitely use a landing/squeeze page to send traffic to. Your main website will convert at 1% if you're lucky. Also, you want to grab their contact info in case they don't purchase right away you can still follow up with email marketing