Meanwhile in Brazil...

It's not Brasil. The guy on the video wears a helmet and we all know people in Brazil don't wear helmets as it's too hot there. It must be in Moldova.
it seems like this guy was traveling on the road on a bicycle with a motor, no?
why on the earth the guy kicked the car in the first place.

Prior to the video, the bitch cut him off at a red light. The guy decides to (rightfully so) split traffic, and the bitch decides to try to block him. If you look at his feet and her car, you can clearly see she is wayyy out of her lane, trying to block. Words are exchanged, so he kicks the car.

Granted, when you kick someones car, you better make sure you're prepared to gas it, but seriously, trying to kill someone for scratching your car? Bitch needs to be taken out of the gene pool.

Call me an asshole, but these critical mass faggots deserved it. They literally block traffic on purpose, not just on the street they ride on, but at intersections too. They will post people up so that no one crosses the street the riders are on. Next time get the fuck off the road.
Meanwhile in Brazil
[ame=""]Why I love Brazil... - YouTube[/ame]