Me + Facebook PPC = EPIC FAIL

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paper clique fiend
Mar 8, 2007
Tulsa, OK
Alright, I've blown through a decent amount of my $250 in Facebook coupons in my account. I have yet to get a SINGLE conversion using Facebook.

I wanted to get some insight on what I'm doing wrong in a particular campaign. Sorry if I'm outing anybody's niche right here. I tried this as and I knew I would get some conversions for it because people feel strongly about their college football team.

I didn't get the opportunity to split test because I only threw this offer up the Tuesday before the game.

Here's my ad:

It is direct linking to the offer which is here: Sportsviews - Sports Social Network

I was targeting males between 16 and 24 years old in Florida and Oklahoma. I had a CTR of 0.07% and was paying and average of $0.28 per click. The payout was $3 per signup and I sent them 66 clicks and didn't see a single conversion.

I know my targeting could've been better using keywords such as Florida Gators and/or Oklahoma Sooners. But I was in a hurry to launch this campaign.

Does anybody have any suggestions on what I could've done better?

first things first you have to be realistic , did you talk to your AM find out ball park conversion rates before launching to make sure it can convert at 10%. Which you would need it to convert at about in order to make a margin worth your time. Thats unless you plan on sending 1000 leads in which case you can play the volume game which is another story.
first things first you have to be realistic , did you talk to your AM find out ball park conversion rates before launching to make sure it can convert at 10%. Which you would need it to convert at about in order to make a margin worth your time. Thats unless you plan on sending 1000 leads in which case you can play the volume game which is another story.

I did ask my AM, he said he didn't have anybody running that offer. Since this is a fairly new network and I was using coupons from Facebook I figured I could throw some traffic at it to see if it converted.
What you could have done better is lower your CPC to a Max of $0.18 for a $3 dollar payout, then you could have been split testing the images and looking for similar ad text on other advertisements on FB to try and get a higher CTR, which would eventually give you a lower CPC to work with.

In my opinion your spending too high of a CPC out of the gates on a lower paying offer, even if FB suggests a CPC of $0.28 don't listen to them, learn the math....

Advertising is one of the safest methods of making money since you can track literally everything, just gotta learn and practise with all the data.
The maths post = pure quality info.

The other thing you've got to think about is are you targeting it right?
Those two teams are pretty specific. You're not just targeting people that are into GridIron, you're targeting people that are into two very specific teams.
For each of those ads you throw up, make sure you've got every team combo you can think of, and then target them ONLY at people that have those teams as keywords (if Facebook has the keywords in there... I've noticed that some really obvious ones aren't).

You may also want to make the shield a half/half split between the team colours.
I've noticed that on a few Aussie Rules Footy ads.
Some offers are VERY poor on facebook....

Facebook has absolutely awful CPM rates, and for good reason.

I've had decent luck with some offers, but have yet to make any sort of profit on any campaigns.
Here's my ad:

targeting Florida and Oklahoma.

Does anybody have any suggestions on what I could've done better?

I'm just throwing this out there about the "image" only, and have no idea if it will help for the better.

Can you find a way, through FB users, their favorite football team between the 2 - like in their preferences (likes/dislikes), polls etc.? Can you target that specifically? (I have no idea because I've never advertised on facebook)

If you could find out which team has more fans and directly target to them - and accentuate their team name and/or logo in the image.

Like maybe make it flashing as an animated .gif

Also, football as a sport brings out the animal and loyalty in their fans. Fans like to see their opponents literally crushed!

If you could target this specifically - you need to tap into their emotions - like having the one teams logo or name destroying the others in the image, (somehow, as an animated .gif too possibly) OR "words" which depict this.

Just some thoughts, no idea how finely you can target the fans.

Good luck

/2 cents

PS: it can also work in the opposite as you are taunting the opposing teams fans.
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try running a group of ads on cpm only targeted at one or two keywords. keep your cpm bid at .20 or lower and see if that helps. something that might help also is a custom landing page so people know what's going on.

personally..if you sent me directly to the site without explanation..i'd say wtf and close the window.
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