Maybe they should just go out of business?

They should be able to raise prices like a normal company would be able to do.
It's all bullshit.

Congress has mandated that they pre-allocate money for future retirement plans up to 75 years in the future. In other words, this absurdly accelerated schedule is funding future postal workers who aren't even born yet.

This mandate, directly from Congress, is 100% responsible for their losses. Without this mandate, they would be profitable.

Congress is quite simply trying to kill off the Post Office. Follow the money to see who is behind this mandate and who is lobbying them.
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It's against federal law for competing companies to deliver 1st class mail in the US. I believe the laws are called Spooner laws. Anarchist and author (No Treason: The Constitution of No Authority) Lysander Spooner competed against the USPS over a hundred years ago and was so good they banned him and others.
Maybe they shouldn't be paying premium unionized prices for what is basically unskilled labour. I'd lump garbage collectors into that lot too. I don't believe someone that delivers the mail or collects the trash should be getting paid as much as school teachers with upwards of 7 weeks of holidays a year. Plus they all go on strike every other year it seems holding cities hostage until their demands are met.
meeeeeh, yeah - but as someone who sends mail daily (mostly bills/checks), I've been dealing with this for years. They've always been raising the cost of postage.

You send mail daily, but want them to go out of business? lol

I guess you want everything to be electronic. Some people still don't have computers, internet, or know how to use them though.

I'm just saying USPS, UPS, Fedex should be able to compete and set their own prices and make decisions based on normal market forces. If the government wants people in rural Alaska to get mail everyday for a low price, then they should subsidize it or give out a contract to the lowest bidder or something.
A lot of people that live in extremely small cities can only receive their mail via the USPS. If they go out of business, you'll see a drastic population change in cities. It would be very interesting to see the USPS go out of business.
Congress has mandated that they pre-allocate money for future retirement plans up to 75 years in the future. In other words, this absurdly accelerated schedule is funding future postal workers who aren't even born yet.

This mandate, directly from Congress, is 100% responsible for their losses. Without this mandate, they would be profitable.

truth, although not 100% responsible. The postal union is one of the worst out there.
You send mail daily, but want them to go out of business? lol

I guess you want everything to be electronic. Some people still don't have computers, internet, or know how to use them though.

I'm just saying USPS, UPS, Fedex should be able to compete and set their own prices and make decisions based on normal market forces. If the government wants people in rural Alaska to get mail everyday for a low price, then they should subsidize it or give out a contract to the lowest bidder or something.

I agree with competition. I don't care if they do or do not go out of business. I use them daily to send out $$ to fuckers. I can pay them electronically. I don't see any point in the post office, that fedex/ups cant handle.
Stop Saturday delivery, raise prices, and lower pension requirements, close branches and run it like a business that is not too big to fail.