Max Daily Leads Email/Zip Submits

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Pasta Eatin Mofo
Dec 1, 2007
I'm relatively new to AM. I've promoted quite a few offers now and have done well with many. One area I haven't spent much time in is the email/zip submits.

I have one running now, and its generating 100 leads / day because I'm limited the budget to it via Adwords. In your experiences, do you find its best to generate a limited amount of leads per day or is it perfectly ok to let it fly and do 300 - 500 leads / daily?

I hear all these rumors of scrubbing, and won't really appreciate 200 of my 500 leads being killed off. My margins would be in the shitter in no time with this tiny payout.

There has to be something to this... on Neverblue alone each campaign category has 20 - 50 programs, but the freebie shit has like 300.


A lot of advertisers want you to keep it low for at least a couple days so they can get an idea of how the quality backs out for them. I would talk to your AM about the specific campaign.
It seems that you have already tested the profitability of your campaign with the advertiser. How long have you been doing 100 leads per day?

Most of our affilaites will run a campaign and actually ask if its converting for the advertiser on the backed. If so, then they can go full force without fear of getting it all taken back.

Just an idea.
That is a good method, honestly. That is typically what I see my big guys doing. Are you running these through Polls, or something like it? I would certainly just run it at a minimum of 3 days at 100 leads per day. What is the payout of the offer? Perhaps a better payout would allow you to budget your ppc campaigns a little higher?
Most of our affilaites will run a campaign and actually ask if its converting for the advertiser on the backed. If so, then they can go full force without fear of getting it all taken back.

pretty sad that affiliates have to worry about scumbag advertisers charging leads back.
It seems that you have already tested the profitability of your campaign with the advertiser. How long have you been doing 100 leads per day?

Most of our affilaites will run a campaign and actually ask if its converting for the advertiser on the backed. If so, then they can go full force without fear of getting it all taken back.

Just an idea.

do your advertisers do this often?
Thanks guys, that's really helpful. I'll do exactly that. The payout for my offer is craptastic... < 1.50. But I'm really just running it as a test.

I'll ask my aff manager about it after 1 week. Its only been about 4 days. Being that I'm promoting it on search engines (not contextual), the offer probably has good quality. I'm not doing any of that poll crap. Just a fancy landing page to "presell" it.

pretty sad that affiliates have to worry about scumbag advertisers charging leads back.

I agree with this too. Aff marketing is risk taking. As an affiliate I have to spend a shitload of money to find an offer that converts. Hard earned cash, burned up like monopoly money.

From a zip/email/lead gen advertiser perspective, if your leads don't convert, you simply don't pay. Pretty fuckin nice. I'll be sure to tell adwords, sorry my campaign didn't convert. Please refund my $1000s.
Keeping the volume down for the first few days is probably best. I haven't taken my own advice though -- I'm in the same boat as we speak except I let it fly and did 830 leads yesterday. I've spoken with my AM since I started running the offer on Sunday ... and even got a nickel bump on the payout. I'm concerned that the advertiser might try back out too ... going to email my AM in the next few minutes.
I wouldn't work with a network that would reverse leads on me if I did not violate the terms of the offer in any way.

That tells me they do not value the other traffic I send them and should move everything elsewhere.
do your advertisers do this often?

Woah, woah, woah...

For the most part, they don’t charge leads back. We have some great advertisers, and some are a little more sensitive of quality. Our Affiliate Managers are trained to identify trends, and work with advertisers to spot potential problems before they are charged back.

I was simply trying to say, if you are worried about quality... there has to be a reason you are worried. Simply asking about questionable traffic saves everyone trouble in the end.
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