Matt Cutts Taking Indefinite Leave Of Absence


New member
Feb 5, 2011
Who's delivering the flowers on behalf of WF?


Matt Cutts, Google’s Head of Webspam, is going on indefinite leave. Publishers likely won’t miss him


White Hats are still swallowing:

"Matt… if you’re in the bluegrass any length of time make sure to give me a buzz – Heather and I would be thrilled to take you and your wife for a nice meal in Lexington somewhere. No Shop talk – promise!"

What should I say, You are for me one of the most influential people when it comes to SEO knowledge, so I am a little sad… But, all the best on new horisonts!
I hope this bears no resemblance to that episode of Malcolm in the Middle where Reese stopped being the bully and everyone else had a go instead. There was anarchy in the playground I tell you.
He is just taking time off to make some money by outranking Grindstone for payday loans.