Matisyahu Throws in the Towel

Interesting. I've always loved the guy's music.

This must be a tortured genius artist kind of thing.
[ame=]Matisyahu - Thunder (from Light) (w/ lyrics) - YouTube[/ame]
Wow. I've been a huge fan ever since his Youth album. I've always enjoyed spiritual and religious poetry and concepts, but 99% of all spiritual music is absolute garbage. Along with some chill beats, Matisyahu had some really beautiful lyrics. He may be moving away from Orthodoxy, but I somehow doubt he will drop his spiritual lyrics. I hope not at least. "Jewish minstrel show?" Really?

[ame=]Matisyahu Late Night in Zion - YouTube[/ame]
No shit! Wow...I always had a feeling something like this would happen.

I'm guessing it was the labels idea for free publicity and to re-brand himself....nothing is organic these days in the music industry.

Can't wait to hear his new music....
i saw him at a show in the usa in september. it was reported that his rabbi told him he should not crowd surf becuase he came into contact with female audueince members so it was considered a sin however i saw him crowd surf.
he was cussing a bit to saying stuff like pump that fucking shit in the monitors! were gonna tear the roof off this mother fucker!!! no big deal to me but igot the vibe he was done with his religious episode.
he did close the show with a big we love isreal and they are the champions song at the end.
[ame=""]5 South Park Songs from Christian Rock Hard (great quality) - YouTube[/ame]