mastered one of the toughest niches...

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New member
May 3, 2008
but i can't seem to break into any other niches to save my life. Mostly because the top keywords are already taken or keywords that make sense anyway.

I'm in it for the numbers and not the 100 impression keywords which occasionally get 1 or 2 leads a day. and content network seems to be packed as well.

Lets take auto insurance for an example. Simple landing page, maybe even an Iframe, throw in some obvious keywords into content network (obviously wouldnt stand a chance for keywords like "auto insurance quote" etc, in search). average position around 4-5 bidding at like 1$ a keyword and the payout is around 5-7$ so its to dangerous to try and get a better position. So in the end your just forced to leave those top keywords alone.

But since its such a selective niche has anyone had any success bidding outside the norm? When i mean success i don't mean 50-150$ a day im talking 500$+ total revenue per day? Is it possible to get these types of niches successful with non related keywords for them? Unlike ringtones you can literally bid on keywords like plastic bottle and get conversions.

Anyone with experience in these type of niches, is it possible to have keywords like that? Other than having success with random keywords i don't see how anyone without a 1,000,000$ budget every year has any success bidding on decent keywords with decent volume, even in content.

Please someone tell me its possible to have success with totally random keywords for these types of niches because i've tried every logical keyword i can think for these niches and the price for getting clicks isn't worth it.

I had a certain success with this kind of offer, I bid on semi-relevant keywords which I paid between $0.05-$0.10.

The comission was $30, and my conversion rate was 0.1%-0.25%. It wasn't a landing page problem, cause usually my LPs convert high, it's just the keywords wasn't so relevant. Anyway, in addition for that my CTR was fucking damn low. So, I made several $XXX, and then I got slapped.

Anyway, I won't recommend doing it, cause it will screw your QS.

About high volume niches domination, I would say it's possible if you prepared to lose $10K-$20K right off the bat, and maybe much more. But than, if you track your conversions well, you can do it.

Have fun...
Its pretty easy to bid major keywords and bid 50% of what others are once you learn how simple quality score is
The problem you're talking about applies to "the toughest niches", one of which you claim to have already mastered. So just apply the same strategies ...
Its pretty easy to bid major keywords and bid 50% of what others are once you learn how simple quality score is

Must be the niche im in but it doesnt require much quailty score requirements. Does anyone have a good article on quailty score and what it looks for? I know theres some tricks to it which you can pretty much get away without having 20 pages of content on your site.
If you really did master one of the toughest niches out there, and you seriously can't figure out how to get started in a new one, then you are either lying about it, or it was a complete fluke, and you should just quit while you're ahead.

I'm not saying this to brag, but I know almost everyone in the top 1% zone from the 10 toughest niches using SEO/BH SEO, PPC, mailing, and aff marketing to master their niche/industry. But almost every single one of them would never bitch about this or be in your situation... because they learned the real tricks of the trade to seriously dominate the shit out of their tough as hell niches/markets.

But hey, maybe you conquered the midget porn niche and it was just easier compared to the others out there.
Its pretty easy to bid major keywords and bid 50% of what others are once you learn how simple quality score is

Or you can just game the QS altogether and not wait the 2 weeks or however long everyone else does, and kill it the second you submit your campaigns. But I'm not sharing that shit here. You guys would rape it and then we'd have to figure out how to do it all over again, heh.

...or Tom would just steal it and pretend like he's not using it. :anon.sml:
Or you can just game the QS altogether and not wait the 2 weeks or however long everyone else does, and kill it the second you submit your campaigns. But I'm not sharing that shit here. You guys would rape it and then we'd have to figure out how to do it all over again, heh.

...or Tom would just steal it and pretend like he's not using it. :anon.sml:

Thats what im talking about, there are a bunch of little tricks for QS that add up to basically make your site Better than sites with 50 pages of content on them with like 5 pages.

I know some of the more smaller tricks but nothing drastic. I know the basic ways of the whole PPC thing, Bidding high working your way down expect losses etc etc. I guess what im trying to rant about is. Is there anyway i can actually profit from the start in these major niches Its kinda rough, especially with such a low profit margin and having companies and top merchants bidding on top terms for the first page.
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