Master Reseller Rights?


Marketing Dope
Jan 4, 2011
I'm trying to understand the difference between "reseller rights" and "master reseller rights".

For example, i bought reseller rights for a "website-in-a-box" for 1 year @ $129. However, I still have to purchase the products and have to maintain inventory in order to sell the actual product under my "branded" name to make profit.

Today, I found some great products that I was considering buying just to strengthen my sites features, and some others which offer a better knowledge base to my visitors. Almost all of them offer "Master Reseller Rights" once I make the initial purchase. *Discounted of course!!!

Therefore, is it safe to assume with "Master Reseller Rights" (unlike reseller rights), I can then mass produce these products (keeping the product name unchanged -vs- creating a branded sub-name), market them, name my own price... which now becomes 100% profit directly paid through my shopping cart?:thumbsup:

What Are "Master Resale Rights"?
Master Resale Rights gives you the opportunity to sell both the product, AND the resell rights to that product. This increases value of the product significantly, because your customer may resell the product for profit as you did.

What Are "Private Label Rights"?
Private label rights allow you to make another author's work show like it's your own by changing its content (if you like), and it's complete claim to authorship. That can vary from writing an introduction paragraph or editing the title to completely modifying it any way you want and add your name to it as the creator (with or without the condition that you HAVE to modify the content). Anything allowing you to change the content (except branding an affiliate link) is called Private Label Rights.

What are "Resell Rights"?
Resell Rights work the same as Master Resale Rights, with the exception that you may sell the product and keep 100% of the profits, but you may not sell (pass along) the resell rights to your customers, meaning that they are not allowed to resell it at all!

What Are "Viral Rights"?
Viral rights are similar to private label rights, in so that you may edit the ebook, or software by adding your own links, and information inside of the product (usually in MS Word format), but you cannot pass on that source document, or code to your customers. This is a great opportunity for you to get some free advertising by selling, or giving away products that link back to your own website.
What Are "Master Resale Rights"?
Master Resale Rights gives you the opportunity to sell both the product, AND the resell rights to that product. This increases value of the product significantly, because your customer may resell the product for profit as you did.

What Are "Private Label Rights"?
Private label rights allow you to make another author's work show like it's your own by changing its content (if you like), and it's complete claim to authorship. That can vary from writing an introduction paragraph or editing the title to completely modifying it any way you want and add your name to it as the creator (with or without the condition that you HAVE to modify the content). Anything allowing you to change the content (except branding an affiliate link) is called Private Label Rights.

What are "Resell Rights"?
Resell Rights work the same as Master Resale Rights, with the exception that you may sell the product and keep 100% of the profits, but you may not sell (pass along) the resell rights to your customers, meaning that they are not allowed to resell it at all!

What Are "Viral Rights"?
Viral rights are similar to private label rights, in so that you may edit the ebook, or software by adding your own links, and information inside of the product (usually in MS Word format), but you cannot pass on that source document, or code to your customers. This is a great opportunity for you to get some free advertising by selling, or giving away products that link back to your own website.

Even more AWESOME!!!

Definitely expanded my understanding by adding Private Label Rights and Viral Rights. All of which I intend to utilize in future. Thanks