Markets for Facebook Fan pages


Nov 20, 2011
As I'm pretty new I can;t get into the Buy/Sell forum yet, my business is built around social media and all my revanue is through FB fan pages, I have millions and millions of likes over diffrent niches which bring in tidy CPA and aff rev. Think I am totalling around 70K from my last tax return.

Whats the sales like on these, I have never bought or sold any but I have a few which I would consider lower value which I could sell rather than do some more work on. All these fan pages have been organic, not forced or 'bought' likes.

Experiences on prices with pages 200-300K + without being spammed? Just so I know my market, your also free to PM me if your looking for pages in your niche, no doubt I have something that I could do with selling and someone could put more use to. I will need your email until WF opens up my PM's.

Sick nite bitches!


i have a few pages you would be interested in one of them with 1.2 million likes, all real people all active. i cannot pm so please chat me on sky pe - ollie.stanton1 look forward to hearing from you
So you are looking for business partners and you slap a porn gif in your thread?

Sounds reasonable.