MarketLeverage.... what the hell?

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New member
Jun 1, 2008
So I'm trying to sign up as a publisher there yesterday... within an hour of signing up I get a denial ... no problem there. So I try and call the person I received the denial from, no response.

So wanting in this network.. I go on affaimlist and find someone who is supposedly a publisher manager. Dan Stack.... I sent him a message on AIM, told him what happened and if I could get it resolved. He told me "No, I can't help"

I went to say thanks and it turns out he blocked me on AIM.

Maybe I'm just being sensitive lol... but this seems pretty unprofessional.

That is odd. Every time I've gotten denied from a network (there's only so much you can put on the applications) when I called them afterward I was immediately approved.

But since I'm not heavy into affiliate marketing ATM and since I'm already in several great networks that I don't even push traffic to, if I sign up to a network and they deny me I don't follow up. Fuck em. Their loss, not mine.
According to linkedin he's on the bizdev end. So he was just the wrong guy to ask.
There's a video on their site and I could swear it said he was a Publisher Manager.... you could be right though... maybe it's dated.
Sounds like you were unlucky and just got the wrong guy on the wrong day or something...I actually applied to ML on saturday evening as I need a particular offer, and got a phone call from Mike Kelly on Sunday afternoon for a chat, and an approval email a few minutes after. According to his email sig, he is director of publisher services so might be better to contact him. PM me if you need his aim.
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