Marketing seems to show my demons...


Geishas Welcome
Dec 24, 2008
Has anyone else noticed this?

I used to be a broke-ass but relaxed, humble, easy-going, non-judgmental guy.

Now that I've been totally immersed in AM the last year, and being quite successful, it seems that all my shortcomings that were subconsciously buried before are now being shaken to the surface.. in plain view for me to acknowledge and deal with. Whether that's because I've been engrossed for so long in front of the computer or I'e gotten used to people relying on me for questions answerd, I dunno...

Now, things can irritate me or bother me that other people say/do probably more than they should - particularly things that I myself am guilty of..
someone might ask me a question and I'll get really annoyed with them because they didn't listen to the answer the first time, but then I think back and realize I had the exact same question that I needed to ask more than once. Or one of my business partners will do something that isn't how I would do it, and it gets under my skin because it's not MY way, yet.. it works anyway, and may be in fact better then my way.

Kind of weird shit to see in myself considering none of that was there before that I remember. I guess that's the learning curve of being a teacher and working with others in business

Tally Ho :costumed-smiley-087

Man I was really nice in prison. I was broke in there. I had nothing to do all day accept eat and read. I have to say it was the most relaxing 3 years of my life. Now that I'm a year out I have to say I'm a bit stressed too. I do enjoy working for a living now instead of selling dope but, I know what you mean about being a dick now that you make good money. I'm kind of like that but not because of the money, I think it's because I stress out about marketing and the shit is always on my mind. It's like I wish I could turn my brain off like I did when I was in prison.
Man I was really nice in prison. I was broke in there. I had nothing to do all day accept eat and read. I have to say it was the most relaxing 3 years of my life. Now that I'm a year out I have to say I'm a bit stressed too. I do enjoy working for a living now instead of selling dope but, I know what you mean about being a dick now that you make good money. I'm kind of like that but not because of the money, I think it's because I stress out about marketing and the shit is always on my mind. It's like I wish I could turn my brain off like I did when I was in prison.

Went to Prison + Used to sell Dope = are you Shane Dollas' role model?
"Money doesn’t change you; it reveals who you are when you no longer have to be nice." -Tim Ferriss

I hear ya.

That's really fuckin true.....

thats an awesome quote man. I dont remember that from when I read that book.
Either way, Life's not sposed to be easy. At least I feel if you're aware of it you're already on the way to fixing that aspect of yourself, rather than burying it deeper and not giving a fuck
That's really fuckin true.....

thats an awesome quote man. I dont remember that from when I read that book.
Either way, Life's not sposed to be easy. At least I feel if you're aware of it you're already on the way to fixing that aspect of yourself, rather than burying it deeper and not giving a fuck

Thats because its from one of his blog posts.
Years ago I read that the things that irritate you the most in others are reflections of the traits you have, but might not acknowledge or recognize. It's a mirror effect - someone's neediness bothers you because your own neediness bothers you, etc...

But I like the money quote, also. :)
Has anyone else noticed this?

I used to be a broke-ass but relaxed, humble, easy-going, non-judgmental guy.

Now that I've been totally immersed in AM the last year, and being quite successful, it seems that all my shortcomings that were subconsciously buried before are now being shaken to the surface.. in plain view for me to acknowledge and deal with. Whether that's because I've been engrossed for so long in front of the computer or I'e gotten used to people relying on me for questions answerd, I dunno...

Now, things can irritate me or bother me that other people say/do probably more than they should - particularly things that I myself am guilty of..
someone might ask me a question and I'll get really annoyed with them because they didn't listen to the answer the first time, but then I think back and realize I had the exact same question that I needed to ask more than once. Or one of my business partners will do something that isn't how I would do it, and it gets under my skin because it's not MY way, yet.. it works anyway, and may be in fact better then my way.

Kind of weird shit to see in myself considering none of that was there before that I remember. I guess that's the learning curve of being a teacher and working with others in business

Tally Ho :costumed-smiley-087

I agree with you man. I think it's mostly my patience that's gone down the drain.
ya i showed my demons to BlueYonder and she gave me a really mean negative rep comment :(
Years ago I read that the things that irritate you the most in others are reflections of the traits you have, but might not acknowledge or recognize. It's a mirror effect - someone's neediness bothers you because your own neediness bothers you, etc...

But I like the money quote, also. :)
That's mothering bullshit, imo.
Funny thing is, my wife and I both had this lesson handed to us when we moved into "management" roles.

You really have to learn to relax and accept that you can't do everything yourself and that people will do it differently than from how you would've done it, but that it is not "worse" in any way.

Takes a while and will humble you a lot when you realize they know more about their shit than you do.

Step back, relax, and lead instead of micro-managing people.
