marketing metrics

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New member
Nov 27, 2006
is it just me or is there a general confusion and chaos associated with the various metrics we use like EPC, eCPC, etc? i see different people/companies use different metrics for the same thing all the time. the best example i guess is the EPC/eCPC thing. afaik in CJ-land EPC means earnings-per-100-clicks while many others define it as earnings-per-(1)click. then some use eCPC, or effective cost per click, which as I understand it is the same as how much an affiliate (publisher) makes on average for each click-through to the offer promoted and is essentially the same as the latter (non-CJ) EPC. but then again I guess eCPC is not even all that popular if google returns only 841 pages for the term: "effective cost per click".

Is there anyone in charge of standardizing these metrics? At times this could be really confusing, especially for noobs like me.

Yes unfortunately there are too many similar terms being used that sometimes can mean different things. It should be more standardized (and I'm sure eventually it will), but until then - the best thing we can do is check with each affiliate network how they define each abbreviation and term.
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