Market Research: Web Hosting Affiliate Programs

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Entrepreneur Of The Year
Dec 20, 2006
I am conducting research by talking to affiliate marketers who currently promote web hosting affiliate programs. My key points of interest are things you value and respect about each hosting company you work with or what other criteria are you using to decide who to work with?

I'm also interested in hearing if you prefer smaller payments or residuals to bulk pay such as CPA and your experience with either. I've tried a few and had great conversions however I don't think many of these hosts are too honest about what they pay and when they pay. Are there any which have performed time and time again without dropping the ball? if so, who? and why do you think this is the case?

Thanks in advance.
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Have you found an "Honest" web hosting affiliate program? So much rampant fraud... with chargebacks and not giving credit for sales. This has to be the shadiest affiliate area I have ever tried to promote.

The only one I could count on to pay was Yahoo web hosting.
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