Mans hand CHOPPED off for asking for $3 bucks in Wages. Help Find Address To Donate.


New member
Dec 27, 2011
***If this has been posted before, my apologies. I just read it, checked the front page of wicked and nothing so went ahead.***

This is an incredibly fucked up story, in fact, it's beyond the pale. The fact that this story is probably not the first nor last of its kind, makes it all the worse.

Man's hand chopped off with an axe by bosses after he asked for wages to feed his family | Mail Online

He did 3 months of back breaking work before asking for his owed wages -a paltry 2.25 pounds to feed his family of TEN kids and wife. And they beat him and then chop off his hand with an AXE for even asking for the measly 4 bucks. He can no longer work and his family is starving.

I want to find this mans address and help him with a donation and I'm sure many others would do so as well. DailyMail hasn't posted it, so if any of you run across his info, if its even been published anywhere at all, please post it in this thread. If they know any English I'm sure some of us could also find some work for that family as well.

inb4 just giving and man become rupee billionaire.

If someone gave him a webcam and a hook, he could do an awesome trade as an Indian pirate in videos on Fiverr.
If you find a way to send him some cash post it and I'll send $10. One less mojito tonight will probably be a good thing.
I just sent an email to the editor of the Times of India, asking him to help provide contact information. Will report back if I hear something