Manny Mayweather Vs. Floyd Pacquiao


New member
Jan 7, 2012
What is the hold up?

I know that Arum and Floyd have bad blood. Arum is trying to make Floyd look like a bitch by overloading twitter, interviews and every kind of social media available with "Sign the contract Floyd" bullshit.

I almost think Floyd is doing this just to spite Arum since Arum supposedly cheated Floyd out of some money when they worked together.

Anyone who knows anything about boxing knows Mayweather will beat Pacquiao.

At this point I don't think the fight is going to happen when there's only 3 months to build the fight up.

Ariza said Arum is full of shit and that Floyd is going to fight someone else.

Does anyone know of a similar instance in boxing history where stupid shit like this went down between promoters?

Floyd has been ducking Manny for years, nothing is going to change now.

I'm just glad that Mayweathers boring as shit style, hate from the fans, MD's and lack of finishes (especially lately) will ensure he will never be considered one of the greats.
bumping this shit coz its finally happening

the dream boyz

sucks that tickets are like $6000 minimum to sit behind a pole
Floyd will probably win. Then everyone will complain that it doesn't count cause he's a coward who runs and he should of fought manny 5 years ago.
Mayweather on points all day... Pacquiao will win first 2/3 rounds then will be all about Mayweather's defence and counter punching!

Either way, about fucking time
Floyd will probably win. Then everyone will complain that it doesn't count cause he's a coward who runs and he should of fought manny 5 years ago.

Yep pretty much. Then again he makes money off the infamy anyways so for him it's a win win situation. If he somehow loses though... REMATCH for more MONEY!