Managing Your Affiliate Sites

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$333.33/day is my goal!
I have some questions about how you manage your affilate sites, maybe this should go under Newbie Questions...

First of all, I am quite familiar with Google Adsense: you insert the code on to your site and it's good to go for what seems like forever. However, Affilate sites are new to me, I am wondering if the Affilate Websites (, update this code for you when it expires or do you have to do that yourself? Seems like a lot of work.. Especially for 1000 sites, to be updated every year/month/week/day. So I am wondering if you put all of your ads on a specific absolute URL php include where you can manage them all easily. For example, "" and then once that code channel gets changed it gets changed for every site with the skyscraper-ad-60x480.php include............ or does it not work like this? Ads are targeted more for the site specifically so they will more often not be running the same affilate channel?

I hope this make sense. I am trying to plan my sites from the ground up. Will there always be this maintanence for Affilate sites to make sure your revenue channels are online or is it really not that bad?


Ok, I moved this to Newbie Questions, I think it probably belongs there.

From what you are saying, it sounds like you want to use the affiliate banner images and rotate them on sites across your network. If this isn't what you mean, correct me.

In my own experience affiliate offers make the most money when each offer is targeted to a specific page/site. So, if you own a site about cars, a ringtone banner is going to earn you somewhere between jack and shit. Rather, you want to have that ringtone ad on a site about ringtones.

Here is a specific example from Lee's SprintUsers forum. This page ranked one or two for the term "free ringtones" on Google for quite some time:
He's not even using any of the image banners, just text links.

So, to answer your question for maintanence, yeah. Compared to slapping some adsense code on a site, using affiliate ads is much more labor intensive. For example CJ had some javascript link change, basically their affiliates had to change every single link they had.

On top of all of this, many affiliate marketers are members of a bunch of programs, buy traffic from 5-10+ traffic sources.

Bottom line:

Adsense: anyone can make money off of this, it really is easy!
Affiliate marketing: Lots of time and effort goes in to managing, updating, and finding new offers.

If you are focus on one very specific niche, this isn't so bad. If you are promoting a bunch of offers, yeah it starts to look like your working in the business and not on it.
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