Managing multiple keywords

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Nov 6, 2006
Idaho Falls, Idaho
Ok, so i have been reading this forum for a while. I see a lot of people that have 1000 plus arbitrage sites. I am wondering how you guys manage all the keywords that go with those 1000 plus sites?

I have search this question and couldn't find much on it. Thanks for your help :)

You grab your main keywords, generate a list, plug it in, throw some money at it, after a few days, you can either keep just the ones getting htis/clicks, or keep them all (some keywords might only get search 4 days a month).
I just leave em all in there. Can't really hurt. The more traffic (targetted) the better.
Additional, related question to this:
- I'm curious as to how ppl with 1000 arbi sites manage their sites. I imagine M$ Excel is widely used for this? If there's any "arbi site manager" software out there that I haven't heard of, I'm sure more ppl here would like to hear about it. :)
You really need to have something custom programmed. I am having a toolset built, its preferable this was because I don't end up with a bloated program that only does half of what I want.
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