Managing A Dedicated Server

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New member
Jun 25, 2006
How hard is it for a beginner to manage a dedicated server ?!

What are your experiences, what obstacles did you meet, do you have any tips or suggestions for a n00b ?!

I've been in your shoes and I can say the first thing you need to do is contact someone like these guys: and get your server secured against any potential hackers. It is WELL worth it and not too expensive to do. I made the mistake of not doing that and my first box was being hacked through and had a crazy amount of IRC bots set up on it.

Like Mark said, if it has WHM/Cpanel then that helps out a lot. It is a bit daunting at first but if you are eager to learn and sit down (and not rush) you will be ok. Get it secured, also look into setting up custom name servers. Do all of this before even thinking about setting up sites and hosting stuff.
It depends entirely one what kind of setup you are running.

I ran an Apache/MySQL/PHP/Linux setup and there were some things that are really tough to do.
Like getting mod_rewrite to function properly with dynamic virtual hosts - very few people around who can help you with that.

If you're running Cpanel, Plesk, Interweb, or one of the many others then it's definitely not that hard.
Learn some basic Linux commands. There will be times when you need to log in as root and do some updates. Esepcially when it comes time to installing new versions of things like PHP or even applying patches.

It's a bit of a steep learning curve but can be worth it in the long run.

Of course, if you are earning enough from your sites to warrant a dedicated server, you should be able to afford someone to manage it for you.
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