Man Revenge Rapes His Son's Rapist

Wait...a PASSERBY came in and raped the son too?? Remind me not to visit Azerbaijan.

Wait...a PASSERBY came in and raped the son too?? Remind me not to visit Azerbaijan.


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Rape-aXe: The Anti-Rape Condom | Arkitip Intel


Wonder if that has actually worked.
Already thinking about possibilites to casually drop "furious justice boner" into conversations.

"It said he "sexually assaulted him" He could have used a dildo, broom handle ect."

"Nah man, if you're gonna rape a rapist, you gotta go for complete defilement here. A nice splintery broomstick is pretty horrifying, but it doesn't beat an angry dads vigilante boner."
That b!tch got exactly what he deserved! Anybody remember the pool table scene from "In Too Deep" w/ LL Cool J? Pool table. Rope. Broom handle. The scene wasn't at all sexual.
He was prosecuted with the full extent of the law.

No one escapes the long "arm" of the law.

Thank God for the penal system.
These comments are killing me. LMAO.

Sounds like revenge rape is the equivalent of taking someone off your friends list on face book here.
In Azerbaijan, they even have revenge-revenge rapings, and so on, until it escalates into full-blown Hatfield-vs-McCoy family feud raping.
That's actually how square dancing was invented.
And I found my fantasy football team name for next year....
I nominate "furious justice boner" for best new term of 2009.
Ok who is going to make the first FLOG / Farticle?

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it's homophobic to not want to be raped by a man and anti-man for a woman to not want to be raped.

i stopped reading reddit and digg because theyre time wasters... these comments make me want to re-bookmark them