Man on trail for speech. Lets hear how great Europe is again


New member
Jun 12, 2009
The Associated Press: Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges

Dutch politician on trial on hate speech charges
By TOBY STERLING (AP) – 7 hours ago
AMSTERDAM — Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders went on trial Monday for alleged hate speech, even as his popularity and influence in the Netherlands are near all time highs.
Prosecutors say Wilders incited hatred against Muslims with remarks comparing Islam to Naziism and by calling for a ban on the Quran. Wilders argues he has a right to freedom of speech and his remarks were within the bounds of the law.
If convicted, he faces up to a year in prison. He could keep his seat in parliament.
On his Twitter account, Wilders said the start of his trial was a "terrible day."
"The freedom of expression of at least 1.5 million people is standing trial together with me," he wrote, referring to the voters that made his Freedom Party the third-largest in national elections in June.

Shit I'm envious. I wish I could be fighting for my freedom for expressing an opinion. What a great fucking place to live.

By this token, 100% of people here would be on trial for one thing or another.

Well if he said lets burn the Torah he would have been imprisoned and called a nazi himself public hate isn't as cool as it used to be maybe
The flamboyant bleach-blond politician has also called for taxing clothing commonly worn by Muslims, such as headscarves — or "head rags," as he called them — because they "pollute" the Dutch landscape.

If THAT ain't Nazi, I don't know what IS... And isn't he the ODDEST looking fuck you ever saw? Looks like a demented Doogie Howser or something, all grown up.

Well if he said lets burn the Torah he would have been imprisoned and called a nazi himself public hate isn't as cool as it used to be maybe

The right to hate people is part of freedom. Freedom is understanding that other people won't always say or do things you agree with.

Islam is a man made belief system that is open to criticism as should be everything. Isn't the right to have the freedom to discuss and debate issues what enables human beings the ability to overcome problems and progress forward?

I know the Left here in America is all for that principle when it comes to the university system of tenure, grants, etc.

I worship a purple horse who lives on a planet only I can see. Don't criticize or question me, OK? Just accept it as truth. Soon I will be pushing the details of my purple horse god into laws that will affect your life but don't you dare say anything negative about it.