Making Wordpress Blogs Load Faster

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The Ultimate Member
Aug 21, 2006
Someone mentioned that my blog loads a little slow! Even though I don't have many graphics on it. Guess it's not my webhost as I have a unique IP, not some cheap shared hosting.

Is there any plugin I can use to allow my blog to load faster.

Unless you have a fast dedicated server you probably aren't going to have your page generate very quickly. It will be acceptable but not fast.
Try making your images a little smaller, the page is like 100 KB, make it like 50 KB
Ok, nobody stated the obvious, do you have the wp-cache plugin installed? This will reduce requests made per page load, thus, on a slower server, increase performance.
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Ok, nobody stated the obvious, do you have the wp-cache plugin installed? This will reduce requests made per page load, thus, on a slower server, increase performance.

Right on! wp-cache is a great way to help on load issues vs bandwidth. If it's a bandwidth issue, wp-cache really doesn't help, but on server load it saves some of the php and database execution times.

You might try sticking the code for page execution times in your footer to just see some stats on how slow it's executing.

<?php echo get_num_queries(); ?> queries. <?php timer_stop(1); ?> seconds.

If you're getting fast times on execution but slow it could be a host bandwidth problem.
Ok, nobody stated the obvious, do you have the wp-cache plugin installed? This will reduce requests made per page load, thus, on a slower server, increase performance.

This is what my response would have been, haha nice job so +rep for beating me too it.
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