Making Video Game Sites

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Jun 24, 2006
I was banned because I removed all of my wickedfire articles, and link spammed my blog instead. This is what happens when you get greedy and stupid.
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Keeping up with the News. Forums are the best source for news & rumors, big ones have thousands of people continually scouring the net for information, and when they find it, they post it, then you can simply post it on your site, simple! So check out:If you check out their forums regularly you should be kept up to date with the latest news.

Getting Staff. Finding staff to work for free is usually hard, but if you can grow a decent sized gaming forum, there should be at least 2-3 people who would be glad to post some news or review a few games. The best way to get staff is, once you start receiving free games agree to send a few to your staff for them to review, and then send back, a lot of people will gladly review a game if they are one of the first to play it. Getting staff mainly takes a lot of patience, if your site grows, so will the number of people who’ll want to work for it.

Gimmicks. Here are the gimmicks I usually use to get extra visitors:
  • Userbars: People love userbars, and use them on many forums, so if you make some, then use basic html to make them a link, you will get extra visitors/exposure. Just in case the user removes the linking part, add your URL into the actual images.
    [ Check out to see examples of userbars. ]
  • Flash Games: Have gaming-related flash games on your site, your visitors will surely love to play remakes of some of their favorite games.
  • Wallpapers: A section for wallpapers never hurts, some people may even submit their own, so it’s good for community involvement.
everyone's asleep, and it's too indepth for this hour, I'll read it and give it its due attention tomorrow ;)
Guide is pretty self explanitory, would want to know most of this stuff before even thinking of making a games website.

How about a guide that is a bit more advanced eh?
Nice work as usual.

You have actually given me some inspiration and am about to start a game site - of sorts. If it all works and pays off (literally), I've decided that I'll send you some money as thanks!
ITALIA said:
Guide is pretty self explanitory, would want to know most of this stuff before even thinking of making a games website.

How about a guide that is a bit more advanced eh?

Not everyone is as smart as you oh mighty one. :rolleyes:
Dave said:
Not everyone is as smart as you oh mighty one. :rolleyes:

Well, the people on this board from what I've been told make 10K+ from their projects so, they must know how to make a website. :rolleyes:
ITALIA said:
Well, the people on this board from what I've been told make 10K+ from their projects so, they must know how to make a website. :rolleyes:

I wish I made that much :D
Good step-by-step Dave. You pretty much layout all the steps someone needs to take. I do think for most people reading the forum they have an idea about how to go about creating a site and when they think of a niche they probably have some idea how to market it. This however lays it all out, would be a good ebook or something for someone new to the game.
I acquired a decent domain name a couple months ago that I am going to build a site for, based on an established and popular game series who has their next version coming out in the Fall. I'll heed the tips in this post, thanks!

Actually I also have a couple general game domains I plan on bulding up too. Hard to compete with the likes of a monster like Gamespot but...worth trying!
I have a couple of niche gaming sites that were doing wel in ther serps and then fell from grace. Might try and resurect them though.

And some nice catch domains for future sites, there are just so many games related sites, the qualtiy has to be good, or really focussed to make it worth it.
Charlie said:
I have a couple of niche gaming sites that were doing wel in ther serps and then fell from grace. Might try and resurect them though.

And some nice catch domains for future sites, there are just so many games related sites, the qualtiy has to be good, or really focussed to make it worth it.

Sounds good, thanks for the comments ppl :)
Sorry dave! its sooo hard to join now any forums... if anyone have a member of dp forums. but you break me.... you provide sooo valubale information which i wanna to search that.... really thak you very much for that gaming info.

I appreciate your time and work for that.
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