making $$$ on youtube with pirated content


New member
Oct 5, 2007
ESPN FirstTake is a US sports chat show if you're not aware
Their official channel where they upload some video segments is here:

but the full show is 2 hours and they don't upload everything, but they also don't submit it to Youtube for Content ID (which is pretty much unbeatable, I spent a weekend with ffmpeg and imagemagick trying to trick it)

So random channels are uploading full segments (mostly poor quality screencast recordings) and applying for monetisation and somehow getting accepted! Here's one:

Account is recent so they're obviously getting banned quickly but 5 million views is impressive

I've no experience with Youtube monetisation so no idea what CPM a channel like this would get. $0.50? $3k isn't too shabby.

Thoughts? Sorry for going offtopic on WickedFire2015 and posting actually potentially money making threads

I doubt your $3k would cover for the lawsuit that is going to be filed. Do they even really get the payment?

lol at grunin and BHW tags. yeah, this is definitely a BHW type post.

lawsuit risk is very small. the internet piracy game has changed, no media company will sue an individual Youtube uploader, they just get Youtube accounts banned and Google comply. then you open more.

the media companies sue people who actually run piracy sites like all those sites

trick is somehow getting unique bank accounts to take Google payments and that don't have easy links to you.. yea guys I'm just thinking out loud here, I never said I'd all the answers
Youtube wont pay out, they'll take their cut from the ads, suspend the account, and should the content owner ever file, youtube will just hand over the ad money.

Facebook do this day in day out and is probably what is keeping them profitable?
You just laid out googles buisness plan for the youtube platform. YouTube is the largest source of pirated content on the web. If it's ok for Google in my proffessional opinion it's good enough for WF