Making money with Facebook...or flushing money down the toilet?

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King of the Jungle
Jul 3, 2007
As you may or may not know you can purchase flyers on Facebook that appear under the navigation bar. You can target by location/college/age/gender. It runs you at $2/m. Minimum 2500 for $5 and 2500 increments.

Anyway I have a few of these flyers running right now. So far the results haven't been spectacular and I am not breaking even. However, I think there is a lot of potential with the right ad/program.

Here's an example of some I have running right now. These are dating offers.

Flyer 1:

50k impressions - $100

So far 55% completed (27500)

Clicks - 68
Leads - 7
Rev - $24.15

Flyer 2:

10k impressions - $20
76% completed (7600)

Clicks - 21
Leads - 4
Rev - $13.80

Flyer 3

10k imp - $20 66% complete (6600)
Clicks - 55
Leads - 3
Rev - $8.40

While I may not break even this time I think with a little patience and practice if you get the right ad out there with the right offer to the right group of people it can be quite profitable. You can buy a shitload of these impressions.

The problems: You can't pick a time for your ads to run. You can pick a start date for your ads but not a specific timeframe which kind of sucks since you would probably want to target some offers only at specific hours of the day.

Low CTR - your ad has to be VERY attractive

The flyers are very catchy since they appear right under the navigation menu. Get people's interest and for sure you should start converting.

Share your experiences if you've tried this out or give it a try yourself. Just make sure your ad is attention grabbing and don't blame me if you lose money. I'll update the stats when my flyers are done.

From experience, if you hit the right niche you CAN indeed monetize the traffic to a point that makes it worth your time. A tip for you is that students of the school you are advertising with get discounts. So get your friends from the surrounding schools to post your ads too, that way you can get a little trial run.
From experience, if you hit the right niche you CAN indeed monetize the traffic to a point that makes it worth your time. A tip for you is that students of the school you are advertising with get discounts. So get your friends from the surrounding schools to post your ads too, that way you can get a little trial run.

Thanks I'll check that out. Although, I signed up with a normal e-mail address since my school one was messed up so I guess I'm not really "part" of a school? Seems to be showing the same price for all of them.
This sounds interresting, I didn't knew about this (adverts on Facebook and the fact you can get small amounts for testing)...
Now regarding dating, I understand that you promote in payper signup system... maybe this would work better if you use a revshare program?!... anyway good luck and maybe you post more results after the campaign is finished...
This sounds interresting, I didn't knew about this (adverts on Facebook and the fact you can get small amounts for testing)...
Now regarding dating, I understand that you promote in payper signup system... maybe this would work better if you use a revshare program?!... anyway good luck and maybe you post more results after the campaign is finished...

No I don't think it would work better with a rev share. I like to get paid for my lead and that's that.

Are you "speaking" from experience?
I'm here to confirm that I tested this market and didn't find converting traffic that could support the fees required to run the flyers. I even tried doing niches I thought could convert like job-search sites. I even had an offer that allowed you to post your resume for FREE. No cost involved at all and still couldn't get it to convert. If college kids don't want free stuff, then you can't fucking sell anything on there. Good luck, but I doubt it will work out well for you.
My last post is "waiting approval" or whatever anyway, wesley, are you "speaking" from experience?

and Market...2.5% is achievable from what I'm seeing, if you work out the numbers you'll end up paying <10 cents a click. If you have a hot offer going I don't see why it wouldn't work but again it's all about finding that right offer.
I'm here to confirm that I tested this market and didn't find converting traffic that could support the fees required to run the flyers. I even tried doing niches I thought could convert like job-search sites. I even had an offer that allowed you to post your resume for FREE. No cost involved at all and still couldn't get it to convert. If college kids don't want free stuff, then you can't fucking sell anything on there. Good luck, but I doubt it will work out well for you.
Well when I was in school a job & resume were no where on my list of things to do...even if you paid me. ;)
I'm not even going to post my stats because I barely made half my money back. So in conclusion:


Although I still think its doable with the right offer. Now, if they had more options for targeting which they might in the future you could for example hammer singles only with dating offers and would probably see much better results.
when it comes to facebook, ive studied it inside out... and let me say that flyers wont break you even 90% of the time...

facebook is good for branding/hosting contests/giveaways.. and creating buzz...

if you make a cool app you may be able to monetiz ethat way too...
I've tried a couple of times and those impressions just fly through.

It wouldn't surprise me if, on this kind of site, people site and click refresh repeatedly. People spend all day on these things and they're going to be clocking up nearly 1k impressions all on their own.
If you have a hot offer going I don't see why it wouldn't work but again it's all about finding that right offer.

Because nobody actually looks at the ads, that's why. They're there to talk to their friends, not to look at ads. Have you noticed that MySpace has to plaster them EVERYWHERE to get anyone to notice them?

If you want to market with facebook, the best way would be to create a really cool application with some affiliate link potential, and watch it spread.
I have done a few tests with Flyers, nothing more than 1% return / loss. Really need a targeted offer: scholarships, debt, school related.. well I guess it's not school only now.

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