Making Friends with Other Webmasters

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New member
Jan 12, 2007
One thing that I think it often overlooked when promoting a site is making friends. I have benefited SO MUCH by making friends with other webmasters. I find out what they are doing to promote their sites, as well as find ways that we can work together to mutually benefit.

I would love to know how other Wicked Fire members make benefited by actively making friends here on the forum or elsewhere.

Ive had a few link exchanges with some members as far as WF goes and also talk to one member quite often that I consider a friend, aside from WF networking with other people in the business has helped big time.

Im going through some rough times right now and without networking and making a few friends within the business I would probably be totally screwed right now.
if you can find someone here from your town too, you can even meet up for pizza. just keep it between you too those as your reputation can become quite soiled if word gets out.
I've drank with a few of the worselsser members here. I figure - if I drink with ya - you're family! ;)

But yeah, there are always opportunities to work with other affiliates / webmasters. It takes a while to trust other webmasters though, so choose your allies carefully.
Among other things, there's a digg ring here. Competition can be helpful. Just be careful who knows your affiliate URLs :)
and go to the fucking conferences too. There are people on here with hardly any posts that I am very good friends with now.
and go to the fucking conferences too. There are people on here with hardly any posts that I am very good friends with now.
+1 on face-to-face. Conferences are a great place for that.

I gotta say though, it can be tough for affiliates & publishers at conferences. You start meeting other publishers but then you don't want to share ALL your knowledge, especially if you don't know whether or not you can trust them or want to work with them down the road. On the flipside of the coin, you get 3-4 publishers in a circle and all of the ad networks are sitting there trying to get signups, etc.

More or less, I just hit the events, mingle with interesting people, and at a certain point in the evening stop talking shop and start admiring the cute women of the industry. :D
+1 on face-to-face. Conferences are a great place for that.

I gotta say though, it can be tough for affiliates & publishers at conferences. You start meeting other publishers but then you don't want to share ALL your knowledge, especially if you don't know whether or not you can trust them or want to work with them down the road. On the flipside of the coin, you get 3-4 publishers in a circle and all of the ad networks are sitting there trying to get signups, etc.

More or less, I just hit the events, mingle with interesting people, and at a certain point in the evening stop talking shop and start admiring the cute women of the industry. :D

Just have a few beers, I can prob get a few tricks out of ya. Its an investment, maybe 50$ for beer intrade for some secrets heh. Wanna meet up at ASE? hehe
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