Making Decisions

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New member
Aug 28, 2007
I have searched for this answer and I fear it may have been answered throughout the forum in pieces and I'm too fucking dumb to pull it all together. If there is a post that answers this I'll take my lashing like a good little noob.

How do you decide which aff offers to promote? I'll outline my thought process and please point out my stupidity or flawed reasoning because so far I keep coming up with the answer that it's a loosing proposition. That is obviously retarded because people are making money.

I login to CJ, look at some offers... let's say CPA. I find one that pays $15/lead. I check out the 7 day EPC and it's $12.97, 3 month EPC is $35.76. If I use that information I conclude that for every 100 click throughs on my landing page to the aff offer, I will make somewhere between $12 and $35. So if I'm using PPC to drive traffic then it will be targetted and if my page isn't horrible I could expect 20% of my visitors to click through to the offer. If that's the case, I'll pay for 500 clicks to get 100 to the offer. Assuming I get the middle of the two EPC numbers, I'll earn $25. I need 500 visitors to earn $25 and just to break even spend no more than $0.05 per click.

I see a few ways to improve this and I recognize where my assumptions may be flawed:

Improve by - Increase the CTR from landing page to aff offer
Stupid assumption - 20% is a bad estimate for what my CTR will be.
Improve by - Find an offer that has performed better.
Improve by - Find cheaper clicks or better stated, cheaper traffic.
Improve by - Invest time into ranking high organically
Stupid assumption - The EPC numbers are representative of what my earnings will be.

If the niche or offer I'm promoting is at all competitive, getting clicks for less than 5 cents doesn't seem realistic... So how do you make it work? I see people ( in this example ) paying up to $2.00 per click for these keywords. Do you use EPC numbers as a basis for your decisions on offers to promote at all?

I have read in other posts that trying to calculate profits in advance is pointless because there are so many variables. If that's the case then how do you make your decisions and/or justify the investment of time/money you're going to put into a project. Do you just learn what the variables are likely to be with time and experience i.e., the school of hard-knocks? Do you just define the amount of risk (time/money) you are willing to put into the project initially based on nothing at all and then observe what the actual metrics are and decide after the fact if it's viable?

Thanks in advance...

Looks like a case of analysis paralysis to me! Personally I never take much notice of the epc quoted in the aff network - I don't know how it's been worked out, who's results is it based on, I simply don't trust it.

I look at the offer and the merchant. Is it a competitive deal for the buyer, what is the merchant's landing page like, would you buy from them? etc.

I really don't spend much time deciding at all, sometimes I don't even look at the competition much (to begin with), I just set up the campaign with really targetted action type keywords and see how it rolls. If it doesn't work out then there's not a lot of time and effort lost, if it starts converting or getting a lot of clicks then I really start to analyse and figure out how to expand it.

You won't know until you try, and ppc is the best market testing ground there is, that's the way you should look at it.

hope that helps.
Actually that helps alot. I'm trying to approach this as a business and make responsible decisions but the more I think about it I'm coming to the realization that I just don't know enough yet.

I'll continue with my current approach and just try different techniques and see what works for me and my abilities. If it makes money then by definition I suppose that's the right way.
Nickel clicks are getting hard to find. Some systems min is 10 cents.

You should be trying to have a few avenues that are good for you if you are going to do this. Try to catch everyone in a one of these actions. Like have a few aff offers, maybe google adsense for ads or even search, a payper lead, and maybe a newsletter signup.

If that is what they see they is a chance they will pick something that is good for you.

Some PPC bids dont make sense moneywise. They have a budget and are told to spend it.
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