making a spam "bot"


New member
Aug 10, 2010
whats the quickest way to make a bot/script/whatever to automate posting to a certain platform that, as far as i know, isn't public yet? at least not in any out-of-the-box tools yet.

i took a visual basic class in college and didn't retain shit unfortunately, probably not even a relevant language for what i want anyways.

the learning mode in scrapebox is no help either, the platform has a javascript button that has to be pressed before enabling a form and scrapebox doesn't seem to want any part of it.

any other peasant ways of getting this done that i'm unaware of? this would probably take less than an hour for a competent coder and that alone frustrates the hell out of me for some reason.

Zennoposter and Ubot are what comes to my mind when it comes to custom platform posting. Some people say that Xrumer can be used for a lot of platforms to post to if it is properly "modded". GSA SER doesn't deal with javascript I believe and it would need custom "engines" to be able to custom platforms.

I only have gsa ser. I macro can be used to do a lot of scripting easily. Erect has got at least one thread on imacro. It can also interact with webservers.
Zennoposter and Ubot are what comes to my mind when it comes to custom platform posting. Some people say that Xrumer can be used for a lot of platforms to post to if it is properly "modded". GSA SER doesn't deal with javascript I believe and it would need custom "engines" to be able to custom platforms.

I only have gsa ser. I macro can be used to do a lot of scripting easily. Erect has got at least one thread on imacro. It can also interact with webservers.

forgot all about ubot, i'll give zennoposter and imacros a look too. thanks.