Make an introduction forum..?


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I'm sure this has been proposed before and I may just be missing one but an Introductions forum would be quite helpful so I can well, Introduce myself to the community. :D

you'd better avoid introducing yourself to the community, or (some members of) the community will happily introduce themselves into you.

happy 'in and out'
a common intro thread (the way it is) is fine inmo, keeps the noise low.
The thing about a forum such as WickedFire is, if you're new, you don't want to explicitly say that you are new. There is a thread for Introductions in the newbie section. I don't see why anyone needs an entire thread to themselves to be welcomed to the forum.

This is a forum for serious online affiliate marketers and entrepreneurs. If you want a forum for people to dance around the point of whatever it is that they are trying to get across, feel free to return to Digital Point.

Although it appears that you have already made an introduction thread in, of all places, the STS section, which is where the marketers go to blow off steam. Not the smartest move in the world, as anyone who opens your thread is instantly pissed off at you for wasting server space with your nonsense.

Long story short, less time with greetings, more time making money.
I wouldn't consider it too serious considering i've seen about 5-10 trolls roaming around(At the least, and they seem to have quite high post counts.). Plus, isn't it pretty obvious that someones new if they have a low post-count?

Lol well, if people get pissed over that they need to get a life. On top of that how can you properly network with people if they don't even know who you are? Ooh, in addition to that. Isn't "blowing off steam" just as unproductive and a waste of "server space"?
You may think that you see trolls, but what you fail to see is what they post outside of the STS sections. Sometimes the biggest trolls with the highest post counts have the best information in the other sections of the forums. Go ahead, click on their profiles and look at the threads they've started. Sure, there may be one or two complete trolls, but there are so many more extremely helpful members.

Those with so many useless posts are located and avoided by the red squares instead of the orange squares. That's a reason for extremely negative reputation. Either that or the individual did something so stupid that they deserve something to work their way back from. It's called motivation.

The thread for introductions is a perfect idea, and a great way to stay away from DP tradition of members sending 20 different versions of "welcom to dp" a day in order to boost their post count. Doesn't work like that here. People actually get things done, no matter how ass-backwards it may seem.

And some of the best "blowing off steam" threads are in the STS. Look at the CPARev thread. Look at the Skittles thread. Kidding about the Skittles thread, but at the same time I'm not. Introduction threads > off-topic discussion insofar as wasting server space and bandwidth and our time. Do you wonder why intro threads have very few views unless someone's thread title is "Who here is from [country]?" or "Girl here."? Because nobody cares. Contribute, that's what matters.

And that's how you network with people. Not through a "Hi, I'm [crap user] from DP. Looking to make monies." What kind of person would want to network with that? Not me. Do you, in all honesty? Or would you instead want to meet someone a little more professional in their field?
If there was an introduction forum it would get spammed up pretty quick because nobody gives a fuck to read it, not even the mods.
You may think that you see trolls, but what you fail to see is what they post outside of the STS sections. Sometimes the biggest trolls with the highest post counts have the best information in the other sections of the forums. Go ahead, click on their profiles and look at the threads they've started. Sure, there may be one or two complete trolls, but there are so many more extremely helpful members.

Those with so many useless posts are located and avoided by the red squares instead of the orange squares. That's a reason for extremely negative reputation. Either that or the individual did something so stupid that they deserve something to work their way back from. It's called motivation.

The thread for introductions is a perfect idea, and a great way to stay away from DP tradition of members sending 20 different versions of "welcom to dp" a day in order to boost their post count. Doesn't work like that here. People actually get things done, no matter how ass-backwards it may seem.

And some of the best "blowing off steam" threads are in the STS. Look at the CPARev thread. Look at the Skittles thread. Kidding about the Skittles thread, but at the same time I'm not. Introduction threads > off-topic discussion insofar as wasting server space and bandwidth and our time. Do you wonder why intro threads have very few views unless someone's thread title is "Who here is from [country]?" or "Girl here."? Because nobody cares. Contribute, that's what matters.

And that's how you network with people. Not through a "Hi, I'm [crap user] from DP. Looking to make monies." What kind of person would want to network with that? Not me. Do you, in all honesty? Or would you instead want to meet someone a little more professional in their field?

Lot's of people would want to network with someone "looking to make monies" because they're a potential client to sell a product/service to, or even potentially a skill, and if you treat them right they could keep coming back for more help. I would say a professional would be nice, too.

I agree with some Intro threads i've seen made that aren't really beneficial however if you introduce yourself in a proper manner(I got kind of lazy with mine), you can find potential clients and professionals that may be looking to network with you to share ideas right there in plain sight. In just one Intro thread that everyone posts in it's just all jammed together and you can't really get yourself to stand out. If the "posting to get a post count" is such a big deal most forums nowadays can simply turn the post count off & someone could set some guidelines as to what the Introduction forum should be used for.

Introducing yourself, what you're here for(A clear description), who you might be interested in networking with, and maybe last explaining the skills that you possess that others might be interested in paying for or learning more about.

With proper guidelines to an Introduction forum I can see it being very beneficial.
Nobody really sells a product or service to somebody "looking to make monies" here because hardly anyone at this forum pushes ebooks or internet wealth systems.

The only services or products forum members here need they can find in the sell/buy/trade section.

Wickedfire is unlike any other forum I've been a part of and I have been a part of many forums spanning various topics of interest. Wickedfire is the only one that seems like how I imagine the Wild West was; Lots of hooligans riding around on horses claiming land and shooting their guns off. You don't know who's friend or foe and likewise don't know whats real information or misinformation.

This is why an introduction forum is not needed. If you cant survive the Wild West then you dont deserve the benefits of this forum which as of late there has not been much of.
nobody is interested in networking here, we are all just a bunch of gay people.
Introducing yourself, what you're here for(A clear description), who you might be interested in networking with, and maybe last explaining the skills that you possess that others might be interested in paying for or learning more about.

With proper guidelines to an Introduction forum I can see it being very beneficial.

You guys got an intro thread for that. A whole section devoted to intros would be boring, retarded, and full of spam. The way you network with people around here is by interacting within the unique atmosphere that is wickedfire.
You guys got an intro thread for that. A whole section devoted to intros would be boring, retarded, and full of spam. The way you network with people around here is by interacting within the unique atmosphere that is wickedfire.

This couldn't have been said any better. To be honest, I very rarely look at intros, its mainly a waste of time for me.