Make a quick ($***) buck on ring tones.

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Claptrap Overlord
Nov 24, 2007
Alright, here is a quick and easy way to amke a few hundered off ringtones over the course of 2/3 days. Super simple, super cheap - $60 or less.

We're going to target your local highschool(s), so lets say the nearest one has 1000 kids and is called 'Wicked High'.

So we head over to name cheap and grab a 9$ domain like '' (the average highschool kid is a complete idiot so it doesn't have to be terribly good).

Then setup either a landing page or a redirect to your affiliate offers landing page. Flycell pays out pretty well, I'm sure there are others too.

Write a quick bit of copy about a special ring tone giveaway for students at Wicked High Highschool, and put the domain name on there nice and big - all black and white, nothing special for graphics. Have about 1000 of these printed up. ($20 or so)

Now you need to get them handed out or otherwise into the hands of students. If you are SUPER lucky you can get a cafeteria worker or some such to stick them on the trays, but most likely you'll need a friends kid or some random kid to do it (the better looking the kid the better) - offer them 20/30$ and they'll probably hand out about half of them before they decide it's too much work and dump them on the floor.

There you've just delivered a pretty well targeted ad campaign for under $60, and will probably see a 1 in 30 conversion, so assuming you reached 1000 students (and have a $12 per cell# aff payout) that's 396$ for an hour of your day and $60.

Not something I'd recommend doing more than once or twice as it's not gonna be fun, but if you're in a bind and need to pay some bills asap, this is practical.

Also, if you don't have a kid to hand out the flyers, don't get caught soliciting them in the school parking lot - it'll just make you look like a pedo. :D

And yes, that's a small-ish highschool, but good luck getting flyers passed out to one with 10k kids.

Hope that helps someone in a bind.

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I've done this before in the beginning (NYC high schools, millions of students) and I made some money (but not enough to justify time spent etc). I think most of them have short attention spans and don't keep the flyer in mind lol
Pull ads from School Newspapers

First post here, finally have something substantiative to contribute.

A lot of school newspapers (if they have one) sell adspace to local companies. You could expand your idea and instead of flyers you could do targeted paper ad arbitrage.

I wouldn't create it around a single offer, but rather a "Wicked High School" web portal.

I'm actually planning to do something like that for my wife. She's the cheerleading coach at the high school and they need a way to raise money besides selling wrapping paper and bad tasting chocolates, so I'm going to generate a site so their parents can buy stuff through us on Amazon or eBay.
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