Maintaining Websites and Landing Pages


One incredibly angry baby
Jul 11, 2009
Newbie looking for some clarification here. Don't worry, I won't waste your time with questions like "can you guys tell me the best paying offers?". I read through the stickies, nickycakes, etc and formulated a game plan. I even got dickrolled once. But I'm still unclear about one thing - website/landing page maintenance.

For every offer you promote, you have a website/landing page. So if you're promoting 10 offers, you have 10 websites/landing pages. For every new offer, you create a new website/landing page. So over time, are you buying hundreds of domains and putting up landing pages on all of them? What about the domains with websites/landing pages for offers that are no longer in play? Do you sell them off?

Thanks for bearing with my noob question.

yeah new domains and landers for each, for me at least. sell them off after? nah, like 8$ a domain? just a sunk cost. cost of doing biz.
Yes, landers and new domains for all offers (sometimes you can get away with having 2 offers on one page). If you can get away with selling the domain off afterwards, more power to you, but like Vincent said, you're prolly not going to get much for it. Freshly regged aff marketing domains tend not to be of the highest quality.
Thanks guys! All of you ^^^

Once you pick an offer and create a website/landing page, how much time do you spend optimising (for high google score, good copy etc) and SEO'ing your new domains?

Thanks again,

P.S. Just curious, how many domains have you bought so far?
SEOing? 0. I do PPC not SEO.

Optimizing for high google score? A little bit, just so that it'll get at least a 7/10 and not knocked for LP quality.

Good copy? Critical. It's all about the copy. Gotta convert those users.

Domains? Prob 10/month or so. Have picked up 5 this month so far and we're 13 days into it so that looks about right. Theyre like 8.88 each at namecheap w/ coupon INTERFACE, and namecheap lets you manage all your DNS from right within their system (host records, mx, etc.). Really the 8.88 per domain is like nothing compared to what you'll spend on advertising -- I've easily spent well over 10$ a minute on PPC.
Great! Because SEO was one of the things that was throwing me off. It's something that takes weeks, even months and was wondering how everyone fits it into their overall strategy. It's good to see that it's unneccessary.

$10 a min on PPC? Wow. I was planning on starting with $100/day, figure thats a good way for a noob. What's your daily adspend? Average daily profit?
Nice. Thanks for taking the time to help with your advice.

Mind if I pm you? Have a couple more questions :)
I agree guerilla. In fact, I've been reading for the past 6 hrs straight. There are a few things that I haven't been able to find answers for tho, and rather than clutter up the index with noob posts, I wanted to pm.

But I understand. Thanks for the advice.
Some people spend months reading. You won't really start learning and putting it together until you start doing.
Yeah don't read too much, it's better to get your hands dirty. When I started out I read alot at first as well, and got into the way of thinking "i know it all already", but oh boy did i not. Really, best way is just to get started. You won't find what specifically works anyway, as people aren't too willing to share their cash cows (which makes perfectly sense when you think about it)
Totally. Heck, if I hit upon my own cash cow, I wouldn't be rushing to share it either. But the clarifications I was looking for weren't about finding the best converting offers. They were more technical than anything else (like my original question about the multiple domains).

Anyway, thanks for all the help.
SEO should also play an important part of your overall strategy. Think of it like this: PPC pays your bills, SEO is your 401K. Think long term. I've got sites that I did a little SEO on, and they still bring in a couple hundred bucks/week with no work. Set it and forget it. They would bring in more if I continued to do SEO, but I'm a lazy bastard and I like the fast money. But it should still be considered part of your business plan.
SEO should also play an important part of your overall strategy. Think of it like this: PPC pays your bills, SEO is your 401K. Think long term. I've got sites that I did a little SEO on, and they still bring in a couple hundred bucks/week with no work. Set it and forget it. They would bring in more if I continued to do SEO, but I'm a lazy bastard and I like the fast money. But it should still be considered part of your business plan.

That's true, but when you are first starting out it is best just to concentrate on one method of promotion. If you are new to PPC and you spend a considerable amount of time working on SEO (which you also aren't experienced with) then you will end up failing at both.

I would just focus and become successful with PPC. Once you've done that, you can start working on SEO.
That's true, but when you are first starting out it is best just to concentrate on one method of promotion. If you are new to PPC and you spend a considerable amount of time working on SEO (which you also aren't experienced with) then you will end up failing at both.

I would just focus and become successful with PPC. Once you've done that, you can start working on SEO.

Yup, makes it easier to know what kw's to SEO for once you know what's profitable though PPC...