Magic Cancer Curing Berry


New member
Sep 4, 2008

Magic Cancer Curing Berry

I am in Canada, but I know the FTC is going to rape you guys if you make false claims that a product will cure or help with cancer... could be fun to watch though, keep us posted.
It's funny: everything that is not a processed food becomes a cancer-fighting agent.

P.S. my landers are ready

... that gives me an idea , i will start a business like cash for gold,, except instead of gold it will be shit. and i will post ads on CL looking for donors (i will use this article, and have them fill out a form to make it seem legit) and have people mail their shit to my ex girlfriends address,, ha! imagine that, getting feces sent to your house from different random people everyday. that fucking bitch
Sounds interesting, but one other thing took my fancy on that site...

Kangaroos filmed fighting in suburbia - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

LOL at those double leg kicks WTF!

wild kangaroo street fight Aussie style - YouTube

'Roos are mean as fuck, man. The males are just furry bull sharks that will kick you to death instead of biting you - actually, they'll bite you too.

If they can get through the human trials in time for Summer in the Northern Hemisphere these landers are going to write themselves.
How long till this gem ends up plastered all over the internet....

"Usually when you treat a tumour it takes several weeks for it to resolve, but this is very, very rapid."