Magazine Quality Articles & LSI Content - UK Writer (NO outsourcing, just me)

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Dec 3, 2011
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Magazine Quality Articles & LSI Content - (NO outsourcing, just me)

Bespoke Magazine Quality LSI Content

Introduction and About Me

Hi everyone. I'm a University educated Internet marketer and writer. I've created this service to meet the needs of webmasters who need very high quality, well researched content, written with good SEO in mind. My work wouldn't look out of place in a major print magazine. I spend a good 2-3 hours on each 1000 word article researching and writing it.

I won't be using any outsourced workers. All writing will be done by myself. No middle-men. I'll get to know you, your blog, your niche and your preferred writing style for your sites.

You can give me very specific requirements for each job, such as the target audience, so I can adjust the writing style. Ie, technical writing, dumbed-down language(small sentences, 5th-7th grade level) or a personal style. If you're not sure, you can just let me decide what's best.

I'm an SEO and I have my own growing portfolio of sites. This means I'm quite a unique writer in that I can give you some very high level SEO advice, both on-page and off page, including information on blog networks.

I can advise you on on-site structure, siloing, anchor texts, internal linking and a variety of other topics. Since I run my own sites I'm not looking to take on a lot of clients. I'm currently slowly ranking a couple of my own projects and looking to take on a little part time work to increase my cash flow so I can buy extra SEO tools.

I'm looking to form 1 or 2 relationships to do some regular weekly content.

Service List & Pricing

Here's the list of content related services I can provide.
SEO'd LSI Articles(With good internal linking anchor text) : $2.5/100 words
Regular Articles : $2.5/100 words
Tutorials : $3/100 words
Reviews : $2.5/100 words
Press Releases : $3/100 words
List style articles(very well researched) - For example "14 Ways to Reduce the Strain of House Hunting" : $5/100 words
Technical papers with ASA style citing of references(super high quality technically accurate content) : $7/100 words
Copywriting - Email or sales pages : $10/100 words

My Unique Skills & Talents

As a writer I can write about almost any subject, but there are certain areas I'm uniquely suited to writing about due to my own experience.

I'm a software developer and sys admin. This was my original career. Any technical topic is a breeze for me and I can write extremely accurately on technical matters. Linux, C, Perl, PHP, Javascript, web, mysql, pgsql.

I'm a marketing and copywriting expert so I can comfortably write about a variety of marketing, copywriting and SEO topics.

I'm passionate about health, fitness and diet. Especially paleo.

I enjoy a lot of things in life, so I can write with energy and passion on a lot of subjects. Anything I'm not so passionate about I just do extra research on.

Review Copies & Samples

I've got a couple of samples I can let any potential buyers see. One is an amazon review style article that's very sales oriented, and the other is an article I did for a large storage company in the UK showcasing a more formal writing style.

I'm happy to do a 500 word review copy for any serious clients who are looking at hiring me on a regular basis to write for their niche.

The next steps

If you'd like to have a chat to discuss what I can do for you then here's my contact details. My name is Tom :-

Alternatively drop me a pm or leave a reply in the thread with your contact details and I'll be in touch.
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Thanks to everyone for your enquiries. I'm almost at full work capacity now, so I only have room for 1 more client. 2 at a push depending on the work-load of each.

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