Mafia Game


New member
Apr 15, 2010
I've been playing a lot of Mafia lately with friends and online (SC2 has a pretty versatile custom map), curious if WF was interested in a game. Rules would be pretty simple, somewhere between 10-15 players with all abilities and Mafia communication through PMs. All non-Mafia will receive either a custom town or neutral role:

Doctor (Can protect one person at night)
Mayor (Can reveal rolecard / gets 2 lynch votes)

Players are secretly assigned roles: either "mafia", who know each other; or "townspeople", who know only the number of mafia amongst them. In the game's "night" phase the mafia covertly 'murder' a townsperson. During the day phase, all of the surviving players debate the identities of the mafia and vote to eliminate a suspect.
If interested, leave a response in the thread. If there's enough interest, I'll layout a rule set and assign roles.